More About God

More About God

Schema: Explains in very simple sentences about the incarnation, atonement, the fact of the Trinity, God's greatness, omnipresence, love. God's desire to dwell in us; our need of cleansing; God's power in our lives. Satan's deception, hatred, power. God's deliverance; our obedience. Invitation. Very short sentences.

Numero di Sceneggiatura: 185

Lingua: English

Tema: Living as a Christian (Witnessing, Leaving old way, begin new way); Bible timeline (Creation); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Judgement, Satan (the devil), Heart, soul of man, Slavery to sin)

Pubblico: Hindu; General

Stile: Monolog

Genere: Exhortation

Scopo: Evangelism

Citazione Biblica: None

Stato: Approved

Gli script sono linee guida di base per la traduzione e la registrazione in altre lingue. Dovrebbero essere adattati come necessario per renderli comprensibili e pertinenti per ogni diversa cultura e lingua. Alcuni termini e concetti utilizzati potrebbero richiedere ulteriori spiegazioni o addirittura essere sostituiti o omessi completamente.

Testo della Sceneggiatura

My friends, we have known about God for many years. But there are some things we have not known. Satan has hidden the truth from us, because he hates God. Therefore he tries to deceive us.

God is the Father (Creator) of all things. God wanted us to know Him so He sent His Son to this earth to be born as a baby. He was born of a virgin, through the power of God. The baby was called Jesus, the Son of God. He grew to be a man and He lived among the people. He was holy, as God is holy (clean). Thus those who were knowing and loving Him, were knowing and loving God.

God loves us, but He is angry because of our sins. He said there was only one thing that could remove our sins. That was the blood of a holy man. Jesus was the only holy man. He became a man so that He might be able to shed His own blood for us. He allowed Himself to be hung on a tree, and thus He died for us, as a sacrifice for our sins. He was buried (they put Him in a grave), but on the third day He arose. Later He returned to His home with God.

Here is a wonderful thing! God and His Spirit and His Son are all one. For this reason God is one, and He is also three.

God is very great. His Spirit fills the whole earth. (He cannot be contained in pots..sacred houses...He is everywhere.) But I will tell you something very sweet (good). He is also able to live in the hearts of people. He loves us, and He wants to do this. He will not enter our hearts while sin is there. We must turn from the way of Satan and believe on Jesus. He will cleanse the sin from our hearts. Then His Spirit will come to live in us. He will make us strong to refuse evil and to do good. He will stay with us always and protect us. He will take away all our fears. He will fill our hearts with joy. He will go with us when we die, and take our spirits immediately to God's place. There we will be happy forever.

Satan does not want us to know these things. He has made us blind so that we do not know where we are going. He has tied us so that we cannot get away from Him. He has made us His servants (slaves) He wants to take us to the place of fire when we die. He hates God and he hates us. He fills our hearts with fear and with sin. He does not want God to enter our hearts.

If Jesus had not died for us, we would all have to bear our own punishment in the fire with Satan when we die. But Jesus died to deliver us from the power of Satan. Sin brings God's anger upon us, but when we believe on Jesus, God turns His anger from us. He will cleanse our hearts. He will be like a Father to us. He will help us in all our troubles. We should talk to Him often. We should thank Him for Jesus. We should thank Him for His Spirit. We should thank Him for all the good things in the world. We should stop shedding blood and doing sacrifice. We should never use charms or do other evil things. We should leave the road of Satan and follow Jesus alone. He will make our hearts lie down (be at peace). We should tell everyone what He has done for all people.

Let Jesus cleanse your heart from sin. If you ask Him now, He will come into your heart. He will cleanse you and make you strong against evil. Let Him fill you with His joy today.

(Alternate expressions in parentheses)

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