: Zapoteco de Lachiguiri
: zpa
: ISO Language
: Verified
: 2741
IETF Language Tag: zpa

Zapotec Zapoteco de Lachiguiri - The Two Roads.mp3

Audio recordings available in Zapoteco de Lachiguiri

Recordings in related languages

Zapotec Diagnostic (in Zapotec)

Collections of short messages or samples in many different languages for the purpose of identifying what language someone speaks.

Zapoteco de Lachiguiri

Lachiguiri Zapotec
Northwestern Tehuantepec
Northwestern Tehuantepec Zapotec
Santiago Lachiguiri
Zapotec, Lachiguiri (ISO keele nimi)
Zapoteco de Santiago Lachiguiri
Zapoteco: Lachiguiri
Zapoteco: Northwest Tehuantepe


Zapoteco, Lachiguiri

: Close to Z.: Lachixila, Understand Spanish; Campesino.