

See leht pole praegu saadaval riigis Eesti Keel.

It used to be understood that Kenya was more than 80% Christian.Today less than 17% of the population are regularly found in church.

Winston writes: "It is amazing to see how God has helped us over the years to meet the spiritual needs of a very vast region with numerous languages and dialects with so little financial and human resources. To God we give all the glory!"

If you would like to contribute to the work of GRN in Kenya, or anywhere else, you can do so through the Australian or Canadian offices.

Once A 'Christian' Country!

GRN along with many churches and ministries are trying to respond to the great challenge of 're-evangelising' the nation.

Recently GRN Kenya has developed strategic partnerships with two local denominations focussing on: training the young in Sunday schools using GRN materials, training adults to engage in evangelism and discipling using GRN material, and doing outreach to street children in rehabilitation centres and to "Boda Boda" operators (those who use bicycles and motorcycle to offer 'public transport') most of whom do not go to church.

To facilitate the work among children, many languages that have been recorded in Kenya need further 'children specific' recordings. There is a great demand for these materials.

Even closer to the central mission of GRN, there are still 20 small unreached tribes in Kenya that need the Gospel. These are GRN Kenya's highest priority, but there is also much more than that to be done.

Like A Donkey's Jawbone!

GRN Kenya Director, Winston Omenya, likens the ministry of GRN in Kenya to Samson slaying thousands of Philistines with the jaw bone of a donkey!

The GRN Kenya team is small but growing. Three new local recruits - Alex (sales and distribution), Samuel (in training - sales and distribution) and Joel (partnerships and publicity) - have joined Winston (Director), Boaz (recordist) and Beatrice Inyama (recovering from a stroke), and Walter (accounts). They are looking to recruit another person to train as a recordist to work with Boaz.

With major support coming from GRN Canada, the team is aiming to make a difference for the Kingdom of God in Kenya. As they face many challenges, they ask for your prayers.

Beyond The Borders

Sudan is very dear to our heart in the Nairobi office, given its background of a long civil war that tore and shattered many people's lives.

Since the beginning of the year we have distributed more of our materials to Sudan than any other country in the region other than Kenya. This shows the spiritual thirst that the country is experiencing. In February, Winston was in Boma South Sudan teaching and discipling youth leaders and pastors using GRN materials.

Missionaries in Rwanda have told us how using GRN materials in that country is helping rebuild the nation. Following the 1994 genocide these missionaries found it almost impossible to minister to the Hutu and the Tutsi tribes of Rwanda because of the tense spiritual climate in that country. Suspicion meant most people kept to themselves. Many people were still trying to come to terms with the aftermath of their horrific genocide experiences. GRN materials have proved their value by drawing people together and by constantly conveying messages of hope and forgiveness through Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Recordings News

Recordings of the Good News and all 8 of the Look, Listen & Live series have recently been prepared in the Nubi language of Southern Sudan. The translation of all 8 of the Look, Listen & Live series in Dinka Padang, also of Southern Sudan, is complete. Recording has been done, and editing and programming should be completed soon.

Recordings of Nyamwezi, Barabaig and Nyiramba languages from Tanzania are planned for the coming year.

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