A Kenyan Church

A Kenyan Church

See leht pole praegu saadaval riigis Eesti Keel.

GRN Kenya recorded the Look, Listen & Live series, plus the Good News in the Wanga language over seven years ago. At the time of the recording, there were two language helpers. John, a local evangelist, was one of the helpers. He was given copies of the materials so he could check them with the help of other Wanga speakers.

Fast forward to 2016. A large event was organised for earlier this year to distribute GRN resources in the Wanga language. Approximately 300 people attended the meeting from three churches in the area. GRN Kenya Director, Winston, gave the message on the Sunday. Following the message, some made decisions to follow Christ.

Wanga Look, Listen & Live recordings were played during the meeting. The people were very excited and grateful for John's work in making the recordings possible. John was able to arrange the distribution of GRN materials through the church. They were able to provide the three churches present with two digital players and two sets of the Look, Listen & Live series. Other GRN materials were also distributed including 45 booklets, CDs and SD cards with the messages on them.

Pray that the recordings will be a blessing to the churches and a means to reach beyond the church walls.

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