unfoldingWord 24 - 约翰为耶稣施洗

unfoldingWord 24 - 约翰为耶稣施洗

Outline: Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1:15-37

Script Number: 1224

Language: Chinese Simplified

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text




约翰对这些宗教领袖说:“你们这些毒蛇!应当悔改,改变你们的行为。不结好果子的树都要被砍下来丢进火里。” 约翰应验了先知所说的:“看啊!在你之前我将要差遣使者,为你预备道路。”



约翰对耶稣说:“我不配为你施洗,你应该为我施洗。”耶稣说:“你当为我施洗,因为这样做是对的。” 于是约翰给耶稣施洗,尽管他从未犯罪。


上帝曾告诉约翰:“圣灵将降在你所施洗的某个人身上,他就是上帝的儿子。” 上帝只有一位,但约翰给耶稣洗礼的时候听见天父说话,看见上帝的儿子耶稣,还看到了圣灵。

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