unfoldingWord 30 - Jesu mema bue uwã ipo wachu (5,000) achepe

Outline: Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15
Script Number: 1230
Language: Ache
Audience: General
Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Status: Approved
Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.
Script Text

Jesu buema mondo dja kuere mudjãndygi wywype, djawu kiu rekowã achepe tãrã chupa rupi. Gogi wywy ekõmbu emi Jesu endape, kiuma dja bue djapowe. Gobu Jesu inama gogi wywype, owã idjadji duwe rekuaty, ĩ gatuwã ache wywy ĩllãpe, owã duwe ypa embe rekuaty, gope wapywã. Go buare gogi wywy djopima wyrakarape duwe ypa embe rekuaty owã.

Tãrã ache rõ wechãma, manonga Jesu dja kuere mudjãndygi wywydji djopiwe wyrakarape. Go ache wywy myrõma o ypa embe rupi, ĩwã duwe ypa embepe gogi wywy ekõ nondje. Gobu Jesu dja kuere mudjãndygidji wẽmbu, ache wywy noã wachu roma gope, warõmbama idja ekõwãpe.

Gope noãma tãrãeche ipo wachu (5.000) kbe’edji, gobu buãllãmbyre wyche kudjã emi krumi wywy. Jesu chingadjeky reko ache wywydji. Jesu wechãma ache wywy rõ wachupurã nonga, dja warõandygi rekollã. Go buare djawu kiu reko gogi wywype, emi kuwẽ eche achygipe gogi wywy bychepe.

Krey wychobu Jesu kuere mudjãndygi wywy inama idjape: “Chãwãwerã, emi ĩllã kowepe tapy tãrã. Buepa mondo ache wywype, bue uwã kuarawã.”

Gobu Jesu inama dja kuere mudjãndygi wywype: “Pendje me ga mondo, gogi wywy uwã!” Gogi rõ djawu pepyma: “Manonga ore djapowerã go nonga? Kowepe ore reko wyche ipo wikytã emi mirõ pira.”

Gobu Jesu inama dja kuere mudjãndygi wywype, ache wywy wapywã djõrã wywy rupi, ipo tapa ache kowepe, ipo tapa ache gope, ipo tapa ache duwe rekuaty wywy.

Gobu Jesu kawãma dja ipope go ipo wikytã emi go mirõ pira, gobu maĩma ywadji, emi ury gatu mema Apã Wachupe go bue uwãndjiwa.

Gobu Jesu bowoma wikytã emi pira. Gobu mema wikytã emi pira idja kuere mudjãndygi wywype, ache wywype mewã. Dja kuere mudjãndygi wywy me ruwiallã, go wikytã rõ krãpĩbeche. Ache wywy upama, gobu epoma.

Gobu rõ Jesu kuere mudjãndygi wywy noãmbama wikytã ullãmbyregi, go nonga embepamami etakrã mirõ nokõ! Go bakupyre wywy wẽmbawe ipo wikytãndji emi mirõ piradji.