unfoldingWord 01 - Medhethethaa

unfoldingWord 01 - Medhethethaa

Zusammenfassung: Genesis 1-2

Skript Nummer: 1201

Sprache: Gofa

Thema: Bible timeline (Creation)

Zuschauer: General

Zweck: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

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Skript Text

Medetetha ubbay waanidi medetidaako hayssafe kaallidi de7iya taarikiyan be7oos. Xoossay alamiyanne iya giddon de7iyaba ubbaa usuppun gallasa giddon medhdhis. Xoossay alamiya medhdhidaappe guye, alamey bayssanne dhuma; aybikka iya bolla medhetibeenna. Gidoshin, Xoossa Ayyaanay haathafe bollara qaaxees.

Xoossay, “Poo7oy hano” yaagin, poo7oy hanis. Xoossay poo7oy lo77o gididaysa be7is. He poo7uwa, “Gallas” gidi sunthis. Xoossay poo7uwa dhumappe shaakkidi, dhumaa “qamma” gidi sunthis. Xoossay medho doomida koyro gallasan poo7uwa medhdhis.

Medho doomida nam7antho gallasan, Xoossay odin, sa7appe bollan de7iya saloy medhettis. Xoossay, bollara de7iya haathaa, garssan de7iya haathafe shaakkis.

Medhetethaa doomida heedzantho gallasan, Xoossay mela biittaa haathaafe shaakkis. Xoossay mela biittaa “Sa7a”, haathaa qassi “Abba” gidi xeegis. I medhidabay lo77o gideysa Xoossay be7is.

Hessafe guye, Xoossay, “Biittay mithaanne maata iya qommon qommon doliso” yaagis. Hessadaka hanis. Xoossay hessi lo77o gididaysa be7is.

Oydantho medhetetha gallasan, Xoossay awa, ageenanne xoollintota medhdhis. Xoossay, entta sa7a bolla poo7o immana mela, qassi gallasinne qamma, laythinne wode ersana mella oothidi medhis. Xoossay, ba medhhdidabay lo77o gididaysa be7is.

Ichashantho gallasan, haatha giddon de7iya medhetethatanne salo kafota hano gidi medhdhis. Xoossay hessi lo77o gididaysa be7idi, entta anjjis.

Usupuntho gallasan, Xoossay, “De7oy de7iya dumma dumma medhetethati hano” yaagis. Ubbay Xoossay gidaysada hanis. He medhetethappe baggay goshsha meheta, baggay sa7ara gooshetiya medhetethata, baggay qassi wora do7ata. Hessika lo77o gididaysa Xoossay be7is.

Hessafe simmin, Xoossay, “Ase nuna daanisidi, nu malan medhdhoos” yaagis. Enttaw biitta bollanne medosata bolla maati daana mela oothis.

Hessa gisho, Xoossay biitta baanappe ekkidi ase medhdhidi de7o shemppo punidi gelssis. He addiya sunthay Addaame. Xoossay, Addaamey daana mela edene geetettiya atakiltte bessi giigisidi, nagana mela ase yan wothis.

Edene atakiltte bessan, Xoossay nam7u kocha mithata tokkis. He mithati de7o immiya mithinne lo77onne iitaa ersiya mithi. Xoossay, “Atakiltte bessan de7iya mitha ubbaafe maanaw dandda7aasa. Shin lo77onne iitaa ersiya mithaafe mooppa; neeni iyappe miiko hayqqana” yaagidi Addaame kiittis.

Hessafe guye, Xoossay, “Addey barkka de7eysi lo77o gidenna.” Ha do7atapp woy mehetappe issoyka Addaame maaddanaw dandda7okona.

Hessa gisho, Xoossay Addaame bolla wolqqaama dhiskko yeddis. Yaatidi, Xoossay Addaame miye meqethaafe issuwa ekkidi maccas oothidi medhdhidi, Addaamekko ehis.

Addaamey iyo be7ida wode, hanna tana daanawus; iya Addefe medhetida gisho, macca geetetto. Asi ba aawanne ba aayo aggidi, ba machera issino gidey hessa gishossa.

Xoossay addenne macca bana daansidi medhdhis. Xoossay entta anjjidi, “Daro nayta yelite; na7a na7a gathite; biitta kumite” yaagis. Xoossay medhdhidaba ubbay daro lo77o gididaysa be7is; qassi medhetetha ubban daro ufayttis. Ha ubbay haniday medhetetha doomida usupuntho gallasaana.

Laappuntha gallasay gakkida wode, Xoossay ba ooso ubbaa onggidi shemppis. Xoossay laappuntha gallasan ba oosuwappe shemppida gisho, he gallasaa anjjis; dummays. Xoossay hessada oothidi, alamiyanne iya giddon de7iyaba ubbaa medhdhis.

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