Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

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Our Vision

That people might hear and understand God's Word in their heart language, especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access.

Our Mission

In partnership with the church, to effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ by means of culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials in every language.

  • While there is a people group with no effective, culturally appropriate form of Gospel communication, GRN will seek to provide an appropriate audio or audio-visual resource, no matter how small the language group.

  • What we believe - the GRN statement of faith.

Verwandte Informationen

Über GRN - GRN erzeugte bisher Audio-Aufnahmen von Bibellektionen in 6525 Sprachen für die am wenigsten erreichten Sprachgruppen in der Welt

Global Ministry Coordinators - Coordinators who support and serve the global network in aspects of GRN work such as recordist training, information systems, global studio and member care.

GRN International Leadership Team - National Directors or Board members appointed by the GRN International Council work with the International Director to provide global leadership.