Burkina Faso: Bijbels Onderwijs in Soukola
Soms kom je in dorpjes waarvan je denkt: waar ben ik nu terecht gekomen? Dit gebeurde ook tijdens onze zendingsreis naar Burkina Faso.
Africa: Soldiers impacted by tapes and flipcharts
Many sat riveted as the tape recorder proclaimed the Gospel message and Bible stories in Arabic. The soldiers couldn't get enough of them . . .
Africa: The Story of Ashtar
As she listened to the message on the cassette, something touched her heart. It taught her of a Prophet who had come to tell her that God loved her.
Asia: Families come to Christ
The people listened to the recording with interest since the message was in their own heart language.
India: One man's faith story
a local pastor gave Katta Sai a GRN cassette in his Telugu language. The message of Jesus healing the blind man brought so much peace to him . . .
Middle East: Muslim Neighbor Finds Christ
She listened and believed . . . and wanted to become a Christian!
- Tanzania: It's a Miracle! - You should have seen their faces light up when the tapes began to play. We witnessed 151 professions of faith.
- People can't stop listening to GRN Recordings - Read testimonials from around the world about how effective GRN recordings are for teaching Bible stories and evangelism.
- Mexico, Culiacan: A Divine Appointment - "As he talked, he could see her eyes light up in amazement. She excused herself and came back in a few minutes with a tape."