
Blogs mit Insiderinformationen und persönlichen Beiträgen von GRN-Mitgliedern weltweit

Variety - the spice of life

Dave Hughes - Tuesday 24 May 2016

I've always enjoyed variety in my work, and wow - in missions there is plenty of variety. We seem to have very broad job descriptions. And I'm one that loves it that way.

My current role involves implementing an online training system for our Recordists around the world, so that they can update their skills over the internet.

In the past I've been involved in email marketing, search engine optimisation, website translation projects, user experience testing of websites and applications, customer relationship management database installation, writing scripts for radio and the list goes on.

So if you are wondering about how you could use your gifts in mission, there is very likely to be a place for you. Contact us here at Global Recordings, or approach another mission, and enjoy the privilege of using your gifts in His kingdom.