Mtumishi Wanga Mnungu [LLL 4 Servants of GOD] - Makonde
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Book 4 of an audio-visual series with Bible stories of Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. For evangelism, church planting and systematic Christian teaching.
Program Number: A65057
Language name: Makonde

1. Utangulizi ▪ Familia Itukuta Indala (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. A Family Flees from Famine)

2. Naomi na Ruthu vauya Israel (Picture 2. Naomi and Ruth Return to Israel)

3. Ruthu Kuvavuna (Picture 3. Ruth in The Harvest Field)

4. Ruthu na Boazi vave Msakafu ya kuhuli Nafaka (Picture 4. Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor)

5. Boazi na Vazee va Bethelehemu (Picture 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem)

6. Mariamu na Malaika waki Mnungu (Picture 6. Mary and the Angel of God)

7. Hana amnyua Mnungu (Picture 7. Hannah Prays to God)

8. Mwana Samueli mnyumba mwanga Mnungu (Picture 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God)

9. Samueli Avayuwila Israel (Picture 9. Samuel Prays for Israel)

10. Samueli Amimini Sauli Mahuta (Picture 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil)

11. Sauli aleka Joho lyanga Samueli (Picture 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe)

12. Yesu Myumba Mwanga Mnungu (Picture 12. Jesus in the House of God)

13. Daudi Achunga Vangandolo (Picture 13. David, The Brave Shepherd)

14. Daudi na Goliath (Picture 14. David and the Giant)

15. Sauli Alinga Kumwala Daudi (Picture 15. Saul Tries to Kill David)

16. Daudi Amng'uruni Sauli (Picture 16. David Spares Saul's Life)

17. Daudi Avamfalme (Picture 17. David is Made King)

18. Daudi na Bethsheba (Picture 18. David and Bathsheba)

19. Nyumba Yanga Mnungu (Picture 19. A House for God)

20. Ahinji Yerusalemu (Picture 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem)

21. Chuni Amwing'a Chakulya Eliya (Picture 21. The Birds Feed Elijah)

22. Eliya na Moto wanga Mnungu (Picture 22. Elijah and the Fire of God)

23. Eliya Apaa Mbinguni (Picture 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven)

24. Eliya pamo na Yesu na Musa (Picture 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses)
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- MPEG4 Slideshow (56.3MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (12.9MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (4.3MB)
These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.
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