Vanu Vave na Jimongo Janga Mnungu [LLL 2 Mighty Men of GOD] - Makonde
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Book 2 of an audio-visual series with Bible stories of Jacob, Joseph, Moses. For evangelism, church planting and systematic Christian teaching.
Program Number: A65055
Language name: Makonde

1. Ulongoledi ▪ Yakobo Analambila (Introduction ▪ Picture 1. The Two Brothers)

2. Ndoto yanga Yakobo (Picture 2. Jacob's Dream)

3. Yakobo na Labani (Picture 3. Jacob and Laban)

4. Yakobo akajana na Mnungu (Picture 4. Jacob Meets God)

5. Ndoto yanga Yusufu (Picture 5. Joseph's Dream)

6. Yusufu Vansumisijwi kama Mtumwa (Picture 6. Joseph is Sold)

7. Yusufu Panavere Kuutumwa aneku Misiri (Picture 7. Joseph and the Wicked Woman)

8. Yusufu Mnugereza (Picture 8. Joseph in Prison)

9. Ndoto yanga Mfalme (Picture 9. The King's Dream)

10. Yusufu Atawala Misiri (Picture 10. Joseph Rules in Egypt)

11. Yusufu Ajitambulisha kwa Avanung'unu Vake (Picture 11. Joseph Revealed to His Brothers)

12. Israeli na Yusufu Vakojana Kavila Misiri (Picture 12. Jacob and Joseph in Egypt)

13. Mwana Mussa (Picture 13. Baby Moses)

14. Musa na Kijiti jiyaka Moto (Picture 14. Moses and the Burning Bush)

15. Musa Auya Misiri (Picture 15. Moses Returns to the King)

16. Pasaka (Picture 16. The Sacrificed Lamb)

17. Vana va Israeli vavuka Bahali ya Shamu (Picture 17. Through the Sea)

18. Valimana na Medi Kuilanga (Picture 18. Food and Water in the Desert)

19. Amri janga Mnungu (Picture 19. Moses on the Mountain of God)

20. Nyoka wa Shaba (Picture 20. The Snake on the Pole)

21. Kiongozi Nkulu kuliko Musa (Picture 21. Jesus Feeds the People)

22. Yesu alenje na Musa (Picture 22. Jesus Speaks with Moses)

23. Yesu Anihuwa kwa ajili Yetu (Picture 23. Jesus Died for Us)

24. Yesu Avehai Lelo (Picture 24. Jesus in Heaven)
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- Low-MP3 Audio ZIP (15.4MB)
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- MPEG4 Slideshow (122.6MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (24.3MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (8.8MB)
These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.
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