Move Out

Move Out

Uhlaka: Illustration of the old owner to move out of a house bought by a new owner. Parallel drawn showing how Christians might refuse to let Christ take over their lives. The need for cleansing and complete surrender is emphasized.

Inombolo Yeskripthi: 089

Ulimi: English

Itimu: Character of God (Holy Spirit); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Spiritual Growth); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify)

Izilaleli: New Christian; Christian

Isitayela: Monolog

Uhlobo: Messages and Fiction

Inhloso: Teaching

Ukucaphuna kweBhayibheli: None

Isimo: Approved

Imibhalo ayiziqondiso eziyisisekelo zokuhunyushwa nokuqoshwa kwezinye izilimi. Kufanele zishintshwe njengoba kunesidingo ukuze ziqondakale futhi zihambisane nesiko nolimi oluhlukene. Amanye amagama nemiqondo esetshenzisiwe ingase idinge incazelo eyengeziwe noma ishintshwe noma ikhishwe ngokuphelele.

Umbhalo Weskripthi

A certain man had searched every street in the little town - there were no houses to be found! Where could a man find a home for his family? There was one house for sale, but it was a wretched place!! Finally, the man in desperation decided to buy the dirty, unpainted ruins and to rebuild it, if necessary, for his family.

He bought the house, although it could never be worth the price he paid. His family was to move in at the date agreed upon by the unkempt tenants of the house.

Moving day came! To be sure, the new owner had his workmen ready for repairing the house, but when he came, the house was still occupied. Here was an amazing thing - the people refused to move out! They were using the money which purchased the house, ** but they refused to move out for the owner! He could not clean and repair his own house!

Oh, Christian, that dwelling place is a life like yours! The One Who bought it is God's Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The price was His own life, His own blood. He died and was buried, but on the third day, He arose again from the grave. Although Jesus returned to the Father in Heaven, He also said, "Lo, I am with you always." With the mighty power that brought Him out of death, Jesus, in the person of the Holy Spirit, has chosen to come and live in you. (Pause for song)

Your life belongs to Him, and needs cleansing, repairing, furnishing. Will you say to Him now, today: "Move in, Lord Jesus; dwell freely here. Cleanse the life which Thou hast bought for Thine own. Thou hast power to make it clean. Rebuild this, my life, so that where there is no strength, Thy strength may stand. And where the rooms are bare of love, of joy, and hope, Thy wealth in all of these may appear - gifts of Thy Holy Spirit to furnish this poor dwelling. And in all places where Thou wouldst desire a change, do Thou make all things new. Amen."

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