The Way (M) - Swahili [Kenya]
Ingabe lokhu kurekhoda kuyasiza?
Ukufundwa kweBhayibheli okulalelwayo kwezincwadi eziphelele zomBhalo oqondile, owaziwayo, ohunyushiwe onokuphawula okuncane noma okungekho nhlobo.
Inombolo Yohlelo: 80876
Ubude bohlelo: 56:42
Igama lolimi: Swahili [Kenya]
Ukulanda noku-oda

1. Isingeniso with Maka 1:15

2. Mary Engaged to Joseph, Mathewu 1:18

3. The Angel and Mary, Luka 1:30, 31

4. Mary Talked to the Angel, Luka 1:34, 35

5. Mary Believed the Angel, Luka 1:37, 38

6. Joseph Wondered about Marrying Mary, Mathewu 1:19-25

7. They Went to Bethlehem; Jesus' Birth Luka 2:1-20

8. Jesus in the Synagogue, from Luka 4

9. from Luka 8

10. from Luka 9

11. Feeding of the Five Thousand

12. Luka 4:31-37 Cast Out an Unclean Devil

13. from Mathewu 5

14. from Sermon on the Mount

15. Love Your Enemies

16. Healing and Forgiveness of the Paralytic

17. Pharisee and the Publican

18. The Indodana yolahleko, Luka 15:11-28, 7

19. Repent, Luka 5:31, 32

20. Please go to Part 2

21. Bible reference for Ithrekhi 22; Izinsimbi music

22. Come Unto Me, Mathewu 11:28

23. UJohane 6:37

24. UJohane 6:38

25. The Word and the Spirit of God

26. UJohane 1:1-3

27. UJohane 1:14

28. UJohane 1:18

29. Thoughts from UJohane 1

30. UJohane 1:4

31. Jesus the Light of the World

32. UJohane 8:12

33. Jesus the Good Shepherd

34. Jesus, Rejected

35. The Crucifixion

36. The Burial, Luka 23:50-56

37. The Resurrection, Luka 24:1-12

38. Road to Emmaus, and with Disciples Luka 24:13-47

39. The Ascension, Luka 24:50-51

40. Mathewu 24:25

41. Mathewu 24:27

42. Mathewu 24:30, 31; 35-39

43. Mathewu 24:44; 25:31-34

44. Isiphetho UJohane 1:12, 14:6, Luka 11:28
Ukulanda noku-oda
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Lokhu okuqoshiwe kuklanyelwe ukuvangela kanye nezimfundiso zeBhayibheli eziyisisekelo ukuletha umlayezo wevangeli kubantu abangafundile noma abaphuma emasikweni adluliselwa ngomlomo, ikakhulukazi amaqembu abantu abangakafinyelelwa.
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Singathanda ukuzwa impendulo yakho mayelana nokuthi ungasebenzisa kanjani lokhu okuqoshiwe, futhi iyini imiphumela. Xhumana Nolayini Wempendulo.