Amazwi Okuphila - Zapoteco de San Miguel Mixtepec
Ingabe lokhu kurekhoda kuyasiza?
Iqoqo lezindaba zeBhayibheli ezilalelwayo ezihlobene nemiyalezo yevangeli. Zichaza insindiso, futhi zingase futhi zinikeze izimfundiso zobuKristu eziyisisekelo.
Inombolo Yohlelo: 11671
Ubude bohlelo: 57:26
Igama lolimi: Zapoteco de San Miguel Mixtepec
Ukulanda noku-oda

1. Attributes of God

2. At the Cross

3. Power in the Blood

4. The Birth of Jesus

5. My Soul is Thirsty

6. The Two Ways

7. Come to Jesus

8. I Surrender All

9. Death and Resurrection of Christ

10. Great is Your Name

11. I Will Praise the Lord

12. Attributes of God

13. At the Cross

14. Power in the Blood

15. The Birth of Jesus

16. My Soul is Thirsty

17. The Two Ways

18. Come to Jesus

19. I Surrender All

20. Death and Resurrection of Christ

21. Great is Your Name

22. I Will Praise the Lord
Ukulanda noku-oda
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (48.5MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (13.7MB)
- Landa uhlu lwadlalwayo lwe-M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (72.1MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (16.8MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (6.7MB)
Lokhu okuqoshiwe kuklanyelwe ukuvangela kanye nezimfundiso zeBhayibheli eziyisisekelo ukuletha umlayezo wevangeli kubantu abangafundile noma abaphuma emasikweni adluliselwa ngomlomo, ikakhulukazi amaqembu abantu abangakafinyelelwa.
Copyright © 1982 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
Xhumana nathi for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.
Ukuqopha kuyabiza. Sicela ucabange ukunikela ku-GRN ukuze unike amandla le nkonzo ukuthi iqhubeke.
Singathanda ukuzwa impendulo yakho mayelana nokuthi ungasebenzisa kanjani lokhu okuqoshiwe, futhi iyini imiphumela. Xhumana Nolayini Wempendulo.