Not I But Christ

Not I But Christ

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"I no longer live, but Christ lives in me..."Gal 2:20 NIV

Living a victorious Christian life is impossible apart from Christ. He alone is capable of living a life pleasing to the Father. By ourselves we can never produce the spiritual characteristics and righteousness that are acceptable to God. Authentic righteousness, joy and love, together with peace, patience and grace are all expressions of the life of Christ, not of ours.

The good news is that it is not we who live but Christ who lives in us. Those wonderful expressions of His life will be manifest in us as we die to self and daily put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

One expression Christ wants to manifest in us is His priestly role of intercession. Andrew Murray writes: "Of all the traits of a life like Christ, there is none higher and more glorious than conformity to Him in the work that now engages Him without ceasing in the Father's presence: His all-powerful intercession."

Most of us struggle to maintain an effective prayer life. Our best efforts can never be enough to achieve the purposes God has for us in prayer. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. This is why God wants to work in us and reveal in us the prayer life of His Son. And what a prayer life!

Jesus communed continually with His Father in prayer, even while engaged in His earthly tasks. He worshiped and fasted. He interceded. He sought the Father's will and did nothing without prayer. Even now from Heaven He continues His ministry of intercession as our great High Priest.

It goes without saying that the prayer life of Jesus Christ bears little resemblance to ours! Such a commitment to prayer is too hard on our flesh and in our own strength it is impossible. But as Andrew Murray concludes: "The more we abide in Him and grow to be like Him, the more His priestly life will work in us. Our lives will become what His is: a life that unceasingly prays for men."

Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator

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Prayer Thoughts - Read Colin Stott's (GRN's Global Prayer Coordinator) articles on some practical aspect of prayer.