看, 聽, 行 2 神的勇士 - Mu Bomu
![Introduction [介紹]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-00.jpg)
1. Introduction [介紹]
![Image 1 [圖1: 孿生兄弟]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-01.jpg)
2. Image 1 [圖1: 孿生兄弟]
![Image 2 [圖2: 雅各的夢]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-02.jpg)
3. Image 2 [圖2: 雅各的夢]
![Image 3 [圖3: 雅各和拉班]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-03.jpg)
4. Image 3 [圖3: 雅各和拉班]
![Image 4 [圖4: 雅各遇見上帝]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-04.jpg)
5. Image 4 [圖4: 雅各遇見上帝]
![Image 5 [圖5: 約瑟的夢]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-05.jpg)
6. Image 5 [圖5: 約瑟的夢]
![Image 6 [圖6: 約瑟被出賣]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-06.jpg)
7. Image 6 [圖6: 約瑟被出賣]
![Image 7 [圖7: 約瑟和不正經的女主人]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-07.jpg)
8. Image 7 [圖7: 約瑟和不正經的女主人]
![Image 8 [圖8: 約瑟在監獄裏]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-08.jpg)
9. Image 8 [圖8: 約瑟在監獄裏]
![Image 9 [圖9: 國王的夢]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-09.jpg)
10. Image 9 [圖9: 國王的夢]
![Image 10 [圖10: 約瑟治理埃及]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-10.jpg)
11. Image 10 [圖10: 約瑟治理埃及]
![Image 11 [圖11: 約瑟向他的兄弟表明身份]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-11.jpg)
12. Image 11 [圖11: 約瑟向他的兄弟表明身份]
![Image 12 [圖12: 雅各和約瑟在埃及]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-12.jpg)
13. Image 12 [圖12: 雅各和約瑟在埃及]
![Image 13 [圖13: 摩西出生]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-13.jpg)
14. Image 13 [圖13: 摩西出生]
![Image 14 [圖14: 摩西和焚燒的荊棘]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-14.jpg)
15. Image 14 [圖14: 摩西和焚燒的荊棘]
![Image 15 [圖15: 摩西回到埃及王那裏]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-15.jpg)
16. Image 15 [圖15: 摩西回到埃及王那裏]
![Image 16 [圖16: 逾越節獻祭的羊]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-16.jpg)
17. Image 16 [圖16: 逾越節獻祭的羊]
![Image 17 [圖17: 過紅海]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-17.jpg)
18. Image 17 [圖17: 過紅海]
![Image 18 [圖18: 曠野中的食物和水]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-18.jpg)
19. Image 18 [圖18: 曠野中的食物和水]
![Image 19 [圖19: 摩西在西乃山]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-19.jpg)
20. Image 19 [圖19: 摩西在西乃山]
![Image 20 [圖20: 杆子上的銅蛇]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-20.jpg)
21. Image 20 [圖20: 杆子上的銅蛇]
![Image 21 [圖21: 耶穌喂飽五千人]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-21.jpg)
22. Image 21 [圖21: 耶穌喂飽五千人]
![Image 22 [圖22: 耶穌和摩西說話]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-22.jpg)
23. Image 22 [圖22: 耶穌和摩西說話]
![Image 23 [圖23: 耶穌爲救世人而死]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-23.jpg)
24. Image 23 [圖23: 耶穌爲救世人而死]
![Image 24 [圖24: 耶穌在天國裏]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll2-24.jpg)
25. Image 24 [圖24: 耶穌在天國裏]
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