Audio and Audio-Visual Materials


GRN have recordings of culturally appropriate, evangelistic and basic teaching material in over 6,000 languages. The recordings come in many different styles, including short Bible stories, evangelistic messages, scripture readings, and songs.

Audio visual programs of Bible teaching add an extra dimension to the audio message. The pictures are big and brightly coloured, and suitable for a wide range of cultures.

  • 這輯視聽擁有40張圖片概述了聖經由創世到基督。包括救恩的信息和基督徒生命的一般教導。超過1300種語言選擇。

  • 這組之八個方案 每個有24張圖片均是優秀的系統性傳福音和基督教教義。該系列研究舊約人物,耶穌的生平,和早期教會的教程。提供數百種語言。

  • 這一綜合性的視聽使用120的圖片,讓耶穌的生命和事奉有一個更深入的看法。這是一個較新的項目,目前僅適用在少數的語言。

  • 環球錄音網擁有用數以千計的語言去錄製的福音信息,內容包括一些有關救恩和基督徒樣式的聖經信息。

  • Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference

  • Audio Bibles, Scripture portions, stories and lessons are used to tell the story of Jesus to the world


聖經傳教資源 - 環球錄音網負責製作傳教及聖經基礎課程所用的多語錄音、圖書及手動錄音播放器。

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Sunday School Materials and Teaching Resources - GRN's resources and material for teaching Sunday School. Use these tools in your childrens ministry.