这个脚本的录音: TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
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Kissi, Northern: Teng [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
Kono [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
Limba, East: Northern [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
Limba, West-Central: Western [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
Loko [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd
基库尤语; 吉库尤语 [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 7 - 9
斯華西裏語 [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 7 - 9