这个脚本的录音: TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

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Bobo Madare, Southern [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Braj Bhasha: Antarbedi [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life - Outreach

Chin, Dai: Ngxang [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Chin, Eastern Khumi: Lemi [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Chin, Falam: Taisun [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Chin, Hakha [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Chin Kungsho [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Gbereshe Mandingo [Sierra Leone] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Kayah, Western [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Kebu Fula [Sierra Leone] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Kissi, Northern: Teng [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Kono [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Kuranko: Sengbeh [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Limba, East: Northern [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Limba, West-Central: Western [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Loko [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Naga, Akyaung Ari [Myanmar, Sagaing, Layshi] - The Birth of Christ & The Death of Christ

Naga, Kokak [Myanmar, Sagaing, Layshi] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Naga, Long Phuri [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Naga, Makuri [Myanmar, Sagaing] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Pular: Futa Peta [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Uppu Tuiship [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

Yalunka: Sulima [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

南普米 [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

基库尤语; 吉库尤语 [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 - 3

德昂语 [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

掸语 [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2

斯華西裏語 [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 - 3

缅甸语 [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 & 2


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