TLC Lesson 11 - How Can We Please God? - Loko


圣经课程涵盖耶稣的主要生平和布道。 每个单元从永恒的耶稣图片中选择8-12张图片。

项目编号: 67391
项目长度: 19:07
语言名: Loko


How Can We Please God 图片 84 (Jesus and the Rich Young Man)


1. How Can We Please God 图片 84 (Jesus and the Rich Young Man)

How Can We Please God 图片 85 (Parable of Workers in the Vineyard)


2. How Can We Please God 图片 85 (Parable of Workers in the Vineyard)

How Can We Please God 图片 91 (Paying Taxes to Caesar)


3. How Can We Please God 图片 91 (Paying Taxes to Caesar)

How Can We Please God 图片 92 (The Poor Widow's Offering)


4. How Can We Please God 图片 92 (The Poor Widow's Offering)

How Can We Please God 图片 36 (Teaching about 祷告者)


5. How Can We Please God 图片 36 (Teaching about 祷告者)

How Can We Please God 图片 69 (Parable of the Friend at Midnight)


6. How Can We Please God 图片 69 (Parable of the Friend at Midnight)

How Can We Please God 图片 82 (The Pharisee and the Tax Collector)


7. How Can We Please God 图片 82 (The Pharisee and the Tax Collector)

How Can We Please God 图片 102 (Jesus Prays in Gethsemane)


8. How Can We Please God 图片 102 (Jesus Prays in Gethsemane)

How Can We Please God 图片 108 (The Crucifixion)


9. How Can We Please God 图片 108 (The Crucifixion)

How Can We Please God 图片 119 (Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven)


10. How Can We Please God 图片 119 (Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven)



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