Canada Praise and Prayer - October 2024

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1. Kenya - Christine Platt, Australia, along with Walter Okelo, the Kenya director was able to take part in the distribution of GRN materials to 16 church leaders among the Sengwar people. Pray that the materials will be well used in reaching out to their local communities.

2. Canada - Mark Griffin asks for the "Fall Fundraising Appeal Blitz Campaign". Potential supporters are being contacted by email, social media and by phone to personally asked for their support. Pray for Mark, that his calls will not be ignored, but returned and they will be met with kindness, favour and positivity!

3. Canada - Pray for Tammy Griffin's health. She had some infection over Easter Weekend, and fought a septic infection. They removed 2 large kidney stones in the spring and she had a second surgery this month. Pray for full recovery, complete purging of the blasted material and no further complications.

4. Togo: Our recordists visited an area where messages were recorded in 2002, and found that there are now several churches growing among the people there. New recordings were made in Temberma, Sola Kanti, and Lamba Kadjala. Pray for fruit from these messages.

5. India - Praise God for the completion of the first recording in the Pardhi language in India. Pray for Allisha and Akshay as they finish the process and also plan further recordings. Please pray for those who will get to hear this new recording.

6. Nigeria - Pray for Kish and Joshua, as they direct the work in Nigeria. Terrorist activities and persecution make outreaches very risky. They give thanks for churches and missions who partner with them in this work.

7. Canada - David Elliott, is serving in the office making sure the ministry is fulfilling its obligations to meet government requirements and to serve the needs of GRN Canada. Please pray for wisdom for David as the mission faces new challenges.

8. International Leadership (ILT) - The ILT met in South Africa last month for a week of meetings. Pray for Tim Strauss, the new international director as he led the meetings. Pray that the action steps coming out of the meeting will lead to helping GRN move forward in its goals.

9. Canada - Ruth Horan, has been receiving treatment for problems with her shoulder. She would appreciate prayer for more progress being made in her recovery.

10. U.S.A. - After a long search the US office is happy to announce the appointment of Bryan Wilson, as the U.S. office director. Pray for Bryan, as he takes on the new responsibilities.

11. International - GRN have been seeking new Centre Leaders in many countries. Give thanks for a number of answers and pray for the Lord to call people of his choice to the work in Switzerland, Germany, South Korea and the Philippines.

12. Germany - Germany is a country that has opened its doors to many in need of asylum. Pray for a full-time leader to work with Alfred and Inna on making GRN better known.

13. Indonesia - Praise the Lord that Christine and Wira, from Australia, were able to visit the recording team in Indonesia. They were able to encourage the team and help establish the work on a firmer footing. Pray for the five languages the team plan to record and the three distributions of GRN materials.

14. Canada - Please pray for new monthly supporters. Mark, has connected with over 300 new possible partners this past year, individuals, churches, missions' committees, church boards, other charities and missions' organizations. Please pray that they will catch the vision to pray for us and even support us financially.

15. Kenya - Pray for James and Walter, as they beginning a new recording project this month. Pray that the Lord will provide good translators for the Bible scripts and quality nationals that will be the voices on the recordings.

16. International - Tim Strauss, International Director, is settling into his new role while also finishing his doctoral Studies. Pray for a good understanding of GRN and for positive relationships with the GRN staff across the world.

17. Democratic Republic of Congo - Pray for the distribution of materials through the 5fish app. One teacher there used this method to play the Scriptures and stories for many students in a pygmy area. The king's wife accepted the Lord and loves playing her Christian CDs for others.

18. Nepal - Praise the Lord, that the story of Jesus has been recorded in all the languages of Nepal. Pray that these recordings will bring many to a knowledge of their Saviour.

19. Unreached language groups - The purpose of GRN is to "Tell the story of Jesus in every language". There are still many languages that do not have the Bible in format in which they can understand. As you continue to stand with the ministry, we will continue to make the Good News of Jesus available to language groups that are still in need.

20. Myanmar - Pray for GRN staff and all Christians in Myanmar as on top of the civil war they are now coping with flooding and much damage to homes.

21. Canada - Pray for Marian Elliott, as she has an appointment at the Cochlear Implant clinic in London, ON. Her hearing has been extremely poor at times, in which she is unable to hear, even with hearing devises.

22. Canada - Pray for Diane Roberts, as she comes into the office to do payroll and to pay any expenses that we may have. Diane graciously gives of her time to help GRN with her financial skills.

23. Canada - The GRN Canada Board will be meeting this evening to address the financial shortfall. Pray that the Lord will give wisdom as to the best way to address the financial situation.

24. Pakistan - Pray for the team in Pakistan who are encouraging young Christians to take missions seriously and reach out to their neighbours.

25. Pakistan - Pray for Sam, and the team as they develop a three-year plan for the ministry.

26. Continuing in faith: We praise God for ongoing provisions for our work through the donations of faithful givers. From early in our ministry, it has been our ethos to move forward in faith, even when finances seem doubtful. God's supply has been consistent, often at the last moment.

27. U.K. - Kenny and Joan McKee, are preparing to pass on the responsibility of the GRN UK leadership at the end of this year. Pray the Lord will strengthen and encourage them as they look back on their many years of service and forward to spending more time with their family and friends

28. Asia - Pray for Frank Caguin, in Australia as he communicates with GRN Centers in South East Asia. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity as he works with different people groups cultures and situations

29. Bangladesh - Pray for Milton and Moloy, in Bangladesh as they edit recent recordings made. They also visit some Christian conventions to distribute materials and make people aware of 5Fish.

30. Thailand - Pray for wisdom in planning to visit the Moken in South Thailand, and in partnering with the Urak Lawoi believers to have a Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children later this year.

31. Canada - We have two remaining months in our fiscal year to see all of the financial needs are met for the mission. Please pray that the Lord will open the flood gates and all of the needs will be met and the mission will end the year in the black.


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Praise and Prayer - Canada - Prayer news and notes from GRN Canada.