5fish: GRN content on your device

5fish: GRN content on your device

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"When you can't find the words"

The audio recordings available on 5fish contain some of the most important words you will ever hear. They speak good news for everyone in their own language.

Just as fish is food for sustaining physical life, the messages on 5fish offer spiritual life.

Global Recordings Network has developed the 5fish suite of applications for easy distribution and playback of gospel messages on mobile devices.

The 5fish.mobi website provides access to GRN's content from any mobile device with a web browser and media player.

Smart phone users can install the 5fish app on their Android™, iPhone, or iPod device.

Download the 5fish app Download 5fish iOS


福音与圣经资源 - 环球录音网负责制作上千种语言的音频材料用于传福音和讲解圣经,同时也制作图书及手动录音播放器。 環球錄音網負責製作上千種語言的音頻材料用於傳福音和講解聖經,同時也製作圖書及手動錄音播放器。

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