Global Recordings Network - Internationale Sprachen Mission Austria

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ISM offers evangelistic audio-visual materials for people who come from the least reached language groups in the world. There are no or only partial Bible translations for these groups. The recordings offer those who are unable to read the Bible or who are migrants or refugees the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus in the language of their heart. The recordings are spoken by local people and adapted to the respective culture.

Our recordings can be downloaded free of charge from our website or passed on and distributed using "business cards" (5fish Card), as a CD or in other ways.

Since its beginnings in 1939, recordings have been produced worldwide in over 6,500 languages. ISM Austria is part of ISM Germany and is integrated into the worldwide Global Recordings Network (GRN).

Recordings in German, German: Carinthian and German: Austrian

The last issue of SOUNDS (in German)


Internationale Sprachen Mission e.V. - ISM
(Global Recordings Network Austria)
Hauptstrasse 70/2
9585 Gödersdorf
电话: (+43) (0)4257-29453
邮件: click here

Bank details:
IBAN: AT18 3949 6500 0624 0410
BIC (Swift): RZKTAT2K496


GRN Offices in Europe - Information from your local GRN office in Europe, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and U.K.

奥地利 - 关于奥地利信息

Europe - The people and work of GRN in Europe