Sunday School Curriculum

Sunday School Curriculum

Ukurasa huu haupatikani kwa sasa katika Kiswahili.

Good News Media developed this Sunday School curriculum based on GRN's Look, Listen & Live series.

This is a series of eight Sunday School leaders' guide books, with 24 complete Sunday School lessons for children between the ages of 7-12. The leader's guide books complement the Look, Listen & Live picture books.

Cost of Sunday School curriculum: R50.00 per book, R400.00 for the set of 8 (14% VAT incl). To order, contact GRN Southern Africa.

Or you can download the books in PDF format for free.

You are welcome to sponsor a Sunday school set for a needy church in Africa.

Book 1 - Beginning with God

We all have to start somewhere, with God. Through this manual we teach children through the African experience, to start a relationship with God, from the beginning of creation.

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Book 2 - Mighty Men of God

We have to grow strong and learn how to fight the good fight for God. Through the character studies of Jacob, Joseph and Moses, from the Old Testament, we learn how God taught his followers submission and obedience in order to be blessed.

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Book 3 - Victory through God

It is God's desire for us that our faith is strengthened through the path we walk with Him. He wants us to become victorious. Through these Old Testament character studies of Joshua, Deborah, Gideon and Samson, we see how his people learn to obey Him to the point where He is able to give them victory in every battle of their lives.

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Book 4 - Servants of God

To follow God, requires an attitude of servitude. Through the Old Testament, characters like Ruth, Samuel, David and Elijah, we can experience excellent examples of how to answer to a Higher calling by living a self sacrificing life.

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Book 5 - On Trial For God

To follow Jesus means that you will experience persecution from non-believers, in one way or another. Through the Old Testament character studies of Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah and Esther, children will realize that people have been sacrificing important things, to stand up for their faith in God.

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Book 6 - Jesus, Teacher and Healer

Jesus is the perfect example of living a life in following and worshipping of God the Father. Through these New Testament book studies of Matthew and Mark, we see how Jesus healed people, performed miracles and study His teachings.

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Book 7 - Jesus - Lord and Saviour

The authority of Christ, the Saviour, is not only that He came to earth to serve and save humankind, but to be a Lord, and be worshipped. Through these New Testament book studies of Luke and John, you will discover the safety that there is in His all-knowingness.

Download in English (PDF 2.4MB)

Book 8 - Acts of the Holy Spirit

To follow God, we need the intervention and constant presence of His Holy Spirit to keep us and guide us. In this book, we look at the followers of Christ, and how they experienced the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministries.

Download in English (PDF 2.4MB)

Taarifa zinazohusiana

Sunday School Lessons App - Audio visual lessons on your Android phone for evangelism and basic Bible teaching

Africa Kusini - Taarifa kuhusu Africa Kusini

GRNSA Recommended Content for Southern Africa - Download our brochures and information pamphlets, and share freely.

Bible-based Bridge Materials - Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference

Sunday School Materials and Teaching Resources - GRN's resources and material for teaching Sunday School. Use these tools in your childrens ministry.