Heaven and Hell (dialogue)
Muhtasari: Intro: a man has died and there is mourning. Discussion about death: once there was no death; man sinned and now all die; two places, heaven and hell. Question about rebirth (reincarnation). Bible says no. Heaven for the righteous-- only Jesus can save us because of His death and resurrection.
Nambari ya Hati: 054
Lugha: English
Mandhari: Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Joy, happiness, rejoicing, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Heaven); Life event (Death); Sin and Satan (Hell)
Hadhira: Hindu; General
Kusudi: Evangelism
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Paraphrase Scripture
Hali: Approved
Hati ni miongozo ya kimsingi ya kutafsiri na kurekodi katika lugha zingine. Yanafaa kurekebishwa inavyohitajika ili kuzifanya zieleweke na kufaa kwa kila utamaduni na lugha tofauti. Baadhi ya maneno na dhana zinazotumiwa zinaweza kuhitaji maelezo zaidi au hata kubadilishwa au kuachwa kabisa.
Maandishi ya Hati
1. The old man has just died. His wife is weeping much, mourning for her husband.
2. Death is no fun; if there were no death, man would be much happier.
1. God's book says that long ago there was no death. After that, man disobeyed God and fell into sin. Now we all die.
2. After we are dead, what happens? Where do we go?
1. God's book says there are two places that we go, heaven or hell. If we have sin, we must go to hell. In hell, there is no happiness at all. There is fear and suffering continually. One cannot escape.
2. Why must men go to hell?
1. Because they worship demons, steal, lie, gossip, get angry, hate, and do not worship God or obey His commands. Sinners like this cannot go to live in heaven with God because they do not believe His words and follow Him.
2. After death, can't we be born again?
1. No, God's book says there are only two places to go after death. We either go to hell, or go to heaven.
2. Oh dear, that's terrible. Some people say that in heaven there is nothing to eat.
1. It is not like that. God's book says that in heaven where God dwells, it is delightful. There is no more famine, no more fear, sin, or death, no more suffering, pain, or demons. There is goodness. There is happiness, righteousness, and purity, all the time.
2. Oh, wonderful! Will righteous people go there?
1. Yes, but God's book says, "There is none righteous."
2. If that is the case, we must all go to hell. How can we escape?
1. If God doesn't help us, no one can escape. But God loves us, and does not want us to fall into hell. He gave His Son Jesus to come to earth to help us. Jesus died for our sins; died, and after three days, rose again. Now He can save us from our sins, and from hell. God's book says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." God will forgive you and put joy in your heart when you turn to Jesus and follow Him. Then when you die you will go to heaven. You will never be sad, or cry there. You will not have pain nor hunger. You will have only happiness forever.