Fear God

Muhtasari: Begins with reference to local custom of sacrifice. Appeasing spirits because child is ill. Explains there is one "Good Spirit" who has all power, made everything, etc. Others are evil spirits.Those who trust God need not fear them. God is not far away, as believed. Christ's atonement explained. God's anger against sin; judgment. Sins listed. Invitation.
Nambari ya Hati: 026
Lugha: English
Mandhari: Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons); Sin and Satan (Hell, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil))
Hadhira: Animist
Kusudi: Evangelism
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture
Hali: Approved
Hati ni miongozo ya kimsingi ya kutafsiri na kurekodi katika lugha zingine. Yanafaa kurekebishwa inavyohitajika ili kuzifanya zieleweke na kufaa kwa kila utamaduni na lugha tofauti. Baadhi ya maneno na dhana zinazotumiwa zinaweza kuhitaji maelezo zaidi au hata kubadilishwa au kuachwa kabisa.
Maandishi ya Hati

1. Hello, friend. Why are you killing that chicken? (Use local custom.)
2. A spirit has made my child very ill. By making this offering, I hope to appease it.
1. But do you know that there is one good Spirit who has power over every other spirit? He is good and merciful. He made the world, the sky, the sun, the stars. He made the trees, the animals, the people and the angels. He is the Great Spirit. (He is God.)
2. But if we do not obey the evil spirits, they will kill us. What can we do?
1. Friend, if we belong to God, the evil spirits cannot harm us. Let us obey God alone.
2. But God is far away, and doesn't understand my problem. Satan, the chief of the evil spirits, and all his helpers, are nearby.
1. No, God is not far away. God is everywhere. He is here right now. He knows all about your sorrows, your fears, and your sins. That is why He sent His only Son into the world. His name is Jesus. He became a true man and experienced the same troubles (explain: hunger, thirst, sleep) as we do. He experienced your same troubles, yet He didn't have any sin. He suffered very much because people didn't believe He was the Son of God, and then He died for the sins of all people. He died for your sins, too. At the time when Jesus died, Satan thought he had defeated Jesus. But after three days Jesus arose. He defeated Satan and all his evil spirits. Because Jesus was more powerful than Satan, it is wrong to be afraid of the evil spirits. We must worship Jesus only.
2. You said that God is merciful. Then why should we fear Him?
1. It is true. God is merciful. But it is also true that God has great anger against the work of Satan. He has great anger against the sin nature. (He hates lying, stealing, envy, pride, anger, greed, immorality, bad talk, killing, and all other bad things. People who do not refuse their evil ways will have to pay the price of their own sins in the fires of hell.) Some day, God will cast all the wicked spirits into hell. The people who worship these evil spirits will go there with them. (If we do not accept the Son of God, Jesus. . . God will send us to hell.)
2. What is hell?
1. It is the place of fire where pain never ceases. It is the place where one can never get out.
2. If we fear God, how do we live? How do we avoid going to this bad place?
1. The one who fears God obeys His words, and refuses all the ways of Satan. Friend, I myself once feared evil spirits. My heart was full of fear because of my sins. But one day I trusted in Jesus, and He took away my sins. I turned from my evil ways. I have no fear of the evil spirits. Every day I want to do what God commands. I have only one fear - that is to displease Jesus, Whose love for me is so great. He loves you, too. Will you accept Him as your chief?