LLL 7 - Kiptaayaat Cheeso [Tazama, Sikiliza & Uishi 7 YESU - Bwana na Mwokozi] - Sengwer

Je, rekodi hii ya sauti ni muhimu?

Kitabu cha 7 cha mfululizo wa sauti na kuona na hadithi za Biblia za Yesu kutoka kwa Luka na Yohana. Kwa ajili ya uinjilisti, upandaji kanisa na mafundisho ya Kikristo ya utaratibu.

Nambari ya Programu: 67728
Urefu wa Programu: 44:09
Jina la lugha: Sengwer
Soma hati
Vipakuliwa na Kuagiza

Introduction → Taaneet [Utangulizi]


1. Introduction → Taaneet [Utangulizi]

Pic 1 → Sikeetaap Cheeso [Picha 1. The Birth of Jesus]


2. Pic 1 → Sikeetaap Cheeso [Picha 1. The Birth of Jesus]

Pic 2 → Kuwale Cheeso Pey Kuyek Tifai [Picha 2. Jesus Turned Water Into Wine]


3. Pic 2 → Kuwale Cheeso Pey Kuyek Tifai [Picha 2. Jesus Turned Water Into Wine]

Pic 3 → Kung’alaale Cheeso Ak Nikodeema [Picha 3. Jesus Speaks To Nicodemus]


4. Pic 3 → Kung’alaale Cheeso Ak Nikodeema [Picha 3. Jesus Speaks To Nicodemus]

Pic 4 → Kukutunye Kandoyin Im Taa-uutaap Cheeso [Picha 4. A Ruler Kneels Before Jesus]


5. Pic 4 → Kukutunye Kandoyin Im Taa-uutaap Cheeso [Picha 4. A Ruler Kneels Before Jesus]

Pic 5 → Chii Nyi Kiimii Pulyeng’uut [Picha 5. The Sick Man At The Pool]


6. Pic 5 → Chii Nyi Kiimii Pulyeng’uut [Picha 5. The Sick Man At The Pool]

Pic 6 → Kupaye Cheeso Piich Chu Siire Elpuusyeii Muut [Picha 6. Jesus Feeds Over 5 000 People]


7. Pic 6 → Kupaye Cheeso Piich Chu Siire Elpuusyeii Muut [Picha 6. Jesus Feeds Over 5 000 People]

Pic 7 → Kumanaatee Cheeso Peeko Parak [Picha 7. Jesus Walks On The Water]


8. Pic 7 → Kumanaatee Cheeso Peeko Parak [Picha 7. Jesus Walks On The Water]

Pic 8 → Kuunyaae Cheeso Cheepkoraat [Picha 8. Jesus Heals A Blind Man]


9. Pic 8 → Kuunyaae Cheeso Cheepkoraat [Picha 8. Jesus Heals A Blind Man]

Pic 9 → Kukuure Cheeso Lazaro Kung’etee Meet [Picha 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus From The Death]


10. Pic 9 → Kukuure Cheeso Lazaro Kung’etee Meet [Picha 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus From The Death]

Pic 10 → Kumee Cheeso Im Kimurtooyoot [Picha 10. Jesus Dies On The Cross]


11. Pic 10 → Kumee Cheeso Im Kimurtooyoot [Picha 10. Jesus Dies On The Cross]

Pic 11 → Kumii Maryaa Ak Cheeso Weli Kiimii Tooseet [Picha 11. Mary And Jesus At The Tomb]


12. Pic 11 → Kumii Maryaa Ak Cheeso Weli Kiimii Tooseet [Picha 11. Mary And Jesus At The Tomb]

Pic 12 → Kuupoonchini Keey Cheeso Rupiikyii [Picha 12. Jesus Appears To His Disciples]


13. Pic 12 → Kuupoonchini Keey Cheeso Rupiikyii [Picha 12. Jesus Appears To His Disciples]

Introduction → Taaneet [Utangulizi]


14. Introduction → Taaneet [Utangulizi]

Pic 13 → Kuuneete Cheeso Rupiikyii Aeeny [Picha 13. Jesus Teaches Two Disciples]


15. Pic 13 → Kuuneete Cheeso Rupiikyii Aeeny [Picha 13. Jesus Teaches Two Disciples]

Pic 14 → Weeroo Nyi Kiimii Kwenuutaap Toorooy [Picha 14. The Son Among The Pigs]


16. Pic 14 → Weeroo Nyi Kiimii Kwenuutaap Toorooy [Picha 14. The Son Among The Pigs]

Pic 15 → Kuchoone Kaa Weero Nyi Kakapot [Picha 15. Mwana Mpotevu Comes Home]


17. Pic 15 → Kuchoone Kaa Weero Nyi Kakapot [Picha 15. Mwana Mpotevu Comes Home]

Pic 16 → Mokornoondiitaap Chi Nyi Kii Siken [Picha 16. The Wealth Of A Rich Man]


18. Pic 16 → Mokornoondiitaap Chi Nyi Kii Siken [Picha 16. The Wealth Of A Rich Man]

Pic 17 → Akupo Kipananyaa Ak Mokoryoo [Picha 17. The Beggar And The Rich Man]


19. Pic 17 → Akupo Kipananyaa Ak Mokoryoo [Picha 17. The Beggar And The Rich Man]

Pic 18 → Akupo Choorwa Nyimii Kurgat [Picha 18. The Friend At The Door]


20. Pic 18 → Akupo Choorwa Nyimii Kurgat [Picha 18. The Friend At The Door]

Pic 19 → Piich Aeeny Chu Mii Ekaalu Oriit [Picha 19. Two Men In God’s Temple]


21. Pic 19 → Piich Aeeny Chu Mii Ekaalu Oriit [Picha 19. Two Men In God’s Temple]

Pic 20 → Akupo Kooliin Nyi Kiitoot Kesweeky [Picha 20. A Farmer Sows His Seed]


22. Pic 20 → Akupo Kooliin Nyi Kiitoot Kesweeky [Picha 20. A Farmer Sows His Seed]

Pic 21 → Kupiitoos Kesuweek [Picha 21. The Seed Grows]


23. Pic 21 → Kupiitoos Kesuweek [Picha 21. The Seed Grows]

Pic 22 → Tooreeteet Akupo Chii Nyi Kanyoor Nyasuut [Picha 22. Help For An Injured Man]


24. Pic 22 → Tooreeteet Akupo Chii Nyi Kanyoor Nyasuut [Picha 22. Help For An Injured Man]

Pic 23 → Chiitaaap Kayta Nyi Kaacho Kaa [Picha 23. The House Owner Comes Home]


25. Pic 23 → Chiitaaap Kayta Nyi Kaacho Kaa [Picha 23. The House Owner Comes Home]

Pic 24 → Chii Nyi Mii Keet Parak [Picha 24. The Man In A Tree]


26. Pic 24 → Chii Nyi Mii Keet Parak [Picha 24. The Man In A Tree]

Vipakuliwa na Kuagiza

Rekodi hizi za sauti zimeundwa kwa ajili ya uinjilisti na mafundisho ya kimsingi ya kibiblia ili kuleta ujumbe wa injili kwa watu wasiojua kusoma na kuandika au wanaotoka kwenye mapokeo ya mdomo, hasa makundi ya watu ambao hawajafikiwa.

Copyright © 2023 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Wasiliana nasi for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

Kufanya rekodi za sauti ni gharama kubwa. Tafadhali zingatia kuchangia GRN ili kuwezesha huduma hii kuendelea.

Tungependa kusikia maoni yako kuhusu jinsi unavyoweza kutumia rekodi hii ya sauti, na matokeo yake ni nini. Wasiliana na laini ya Maoni.

Taarifa zinazohusiana

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"Look, Listen and Live" audio-visual - A set of 8 programs of 24 pictures each for evangelism and Christian teaching. The series presents Old Testament characters, the life of Jesus, and the young church.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 1: Sharing the Gospel made easy - This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways the GRN audio visual resources can be used in ministry.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 2: Going Deeper - This article gives further explanation of how people learn from the stories, and why the stories do not have a lot of commentary.

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