Mensajes y Cantos [Maneno ya Maisha] - Quechua, South Bolivian: Chuquisaca

Je, rekodi hii ya sauti ni muhimu?

Hadithi fupi za sauti za Biblia na jumbe za uinjilisti zinazoelezea wokovu na kutoa mafundisho ya kimsingi ya Kikristo. Kila mpango ni uteuzi uliobinafsishwa na unaofaa kitamaduni wa hati, na unaweza kujumuisha nyimbo na muziki.

Nambari ya Programu: 38072
Urefu wa Programu: 55:55
Jina la lugha: Quechua, South Bolivian: Chuquisaca

Vipakuliwa na Kuagiza

Los atributos de Dios [Attributes of God with Invitation]


1. Los atributos de Dios [Attributes of God with Invitation]

La creacion y caida del hombre [The Creation and Fall]


2. La creacion y caida del hombre [The Creation and Fall]

Noe [Noah]


3. Noe [Noah]



4. Canto "Estamos reunidos en el nombre de Jesus" [We Come together in the Name of Jesus]

El nacimiento de Cristo [The Birth of Jesus]


5. El nacimiento de Cristo [The Birth of Jesus]

Jesús el poderoso [Jesus, the Mighty One]


6. Jesús el poderoso [Jesus, the Mighty One]

Barrabas [Barabbas]


7. Barrabas [Barabbas]

La muerte y resurreccion [Death and Resurrection]


8. La muerte y resurreccion [Death and Resurrection]

Jesucristo volvera [The Return of Christ]


9. Jesucristo volvera [The Return of Christ]

El hijo prodigo [The Mwana Mpotevu]


10. El hijo prodigo [The Mwana Mpotevu]



11. Canto "Dios te ama (Juan 3:16)" [God loves you]

¿Que hay despues de la muerte? [After Death, What?]


12. ¿Que hay despues de la muerte? [After Death, What?]

La vida victoriosa [Victory and Steadfastness]


13. La vida victoriosa [Victory and Steadfastness]



14. Canto "Agarrense de las armas de Dios" [Put on the Armour of God]

Vipakuliwa na Kuagiza

Rekodi hizi za sauti zimeundwa kwa ajili ya uinjilisti na mafundisho ya kimsingi ya kibiblia ili kuleta ujumbe wa injili kwa watu wasiojua kusoma na kuandika au wanaotoka kwenye mapokeo ya mdomo, hasa makundi ya watu ambao hawajafikiwa.

Copyright © 2005 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Wasiliana nasi for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

Kufanya rekodi za sauti ni gharama kubwa. Tafadhali zingatia kuchangia GRN ili kuwezesha huduma hii kuendelea.

Tungependa kusikia maoni yako kuhusu jinsi unavyoweza kutumia rekodi hii ya sauti, na matokeo yake ni nini. Wasiliana na laini ya Maoni.

Taarifa zinazohusiana

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