The Gadarene (adapted for combined script)

The Gadarene (adapted for combined script)

Përvijimi: The story of Jesus healing the Gadarene demoniac. Emphasizes the power of Jesus and Satan's attempts to hurt us. We can be free from Satan's power if we turn to Jesus. Adapted for an integrated-script program.

Numri i skriptit: 288

Gjuhe: English

Tema: Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons)

Audienca: Animist

Stili: Monolog

Zhanri: Bible Stories & Teac

Qëllimi: Evangelism

Citat biblik: Paraphrase

Statusi: Approved

Skriptet janë udhëzime bazë për përkthimin dhe regjistrimin në gjuhë të tjera. Ato duhet të përshtaten sipas nevojës për t'i bërë të kuptueshme dhe relevante për çdo kulturë dhe gjuhë të ndryshme. Disa terma dhe koncepte të përdorura mund të kenë nevojë për më shumë shpjegime ose edhe të zëvendësohen ose të hiqen plotësisht.

Teksti i skenarit

Here is another true story from Jesus' life.

Jesus and His followers went in a small boat to the country of the Gadarenes. As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit saw Him. This man did not live in a house, but in the place where they bury the dead people. He didn't wear any clothes and he was very wild. The village people were frightened to go near him. Some men had tried to tame this man by putting chains around his arms and feet, but he broke them. No man could tame him. All the time, day and night, he made terrible cries as he cut and beat himself with stones. This man was ruled by Satan's evil spirits.

Jesus came to help this man. When the possessed man saw Jesus a long way off, he ran and knelt down before Him. Just as Jesus was to send out the spirits from this man, a spirit inside him shouted out very strongly, "What are you going to do to us? We know you! You are Jesus the Son of God! Promise us by God that you will not send us to the place of torment yet."

Jesus asked the spirit, "What is your name?" He answered, "My name is 'Legion,'" which means, "many." Then Jesus commanded all the spirits to go away from the man. They entered into a large herd of pigs. The pigs rushed down the hill into a lake and were drowned.

After this the man sat down and talked to Jesus. He put clothes on, and his thoughts were straight. Then Jesus went back to the boat to go away. The man begged Jesus to let him go too, so that he could be with Him. But Jesus did not permit this. He said, "You go back to your people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you. Tell them how He has had pity on you." The man returned to where he lived. There were ten villages there and he told the people what Jesus had done for him. The people listened quietly and were greatly amazed. (pause 2 sec.)

In our country, too, there are many evil spirits. Satan is like a poisonous snake on the trail who waits to strike (harm) you. Jesus came to this world to destroy the things Satan wants to do. Although there are many evil spirits in the land, Jesus is not frightened of them. Jesus is powerful. He came to free us from the work of Satan. The evil spirits know who Jesus is and they are frightened of Him. They know that Jesus will banish them. Satan and his helping spirits are afraid of Jesus.

You should watch out for the ways of Satan and evil spirits. Ask Jesus to help you. Jesus has defeated Satan and everything he does. Pray to Jesus and ask Him to take away your sins. He has power to do this and to rescue you from Satan. He will make you His son or daughter. He will never leave you if you always trust in Him.

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