Regjistrimet e këtij skenari: The Gadarene (adapted for combined script)

Po shfaqen artikujt 1 deri në 173 nga 173

Ada: Esse [Togo] - Words of Life

Akebou [Togo] - Words of Life 2

Ashaninca [Peru, Apurimac] - Words of Life

Atsam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Awa: Elakia [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Awa & Kakoli Group [Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands] - Words of Life

Babine [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life

Badi [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Bafanji [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Becoming a Friend of God

Bahing: Rumdali [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Bajju [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Bambili [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Bembe [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Words of Life 2

Binawa [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Binumarien [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Boiken: Haripmor [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Bosman [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Breri Group [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Bribri [Costa Rica, Limón] - Words of Life

Burak [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life 2

Cacua [Colombia, Vaupés] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Solola [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Sur de Sacatepequez [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Carib [Suriname] - Words of Life

Central Aymara [Bolivia] - Words of Life 5

Chamling [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Chandrabanshi [Nepal, Koshi] - Words of Life - What is True?

Chepang: Eastern [Nepal] - Words of Life 1

Chinanteco de Ojitlán [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tuxtepec, San Lucas Ojitlan] - Only Christ Saves

Chinese, Min Nan: Hainan [China, Hainan] - Words of Life 2

Chinese: Ningxia: Thongxin [China, Ningxia Hui] - Words of Life

Chinese, Wu [China, Jiangsu] - Words of Life

Chini [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Chorote, Iyo'wujwa: Manjui [Argentina, Salta] - Words of Life

Danuwar [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Darai [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Daurukhi [Nepal] - Our Creator God is Living God

Dewas [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati, Makwanpur] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dhanuk [Nepal] - Words of Life - Good News

Dhimal [Nepal, Mechi, Jhapa] - Words of Life 1w/ NEPALI song

Dhimal [Nepal, Mechi, Jhapa] - Words of Life 3

Dikaka [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Dingi [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Dolakha [Nepal, Province 3, Dolakha] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Doteli [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ DOTELI

Dumi: Kharbari [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dungmali [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Duya [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life 2

Emerillon [French Guiana] - Words of Life

Enga Group [Papua New Guinea, Enga] - Words of Life 1

Fasu [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life

Fore Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Gbe, Ci [Benin, Mono] - Words of Life

Gbe, Xwela [Benin, Atlantique] - Words of Life

Gimi Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Gurung: Lamjung [Nepal] - Words of Life

Hayu [Nepal, Janakpur] - Important Information!

Huli [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Humla: Eastern [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know This Truth

Ik [Uganda] - Becoming a Friend of God

Isaro-Sate [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life 2

Jaminawa (Brazil) [Bolivia] - Words of Life & Songs 2

Janji [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Becoming a Friend of God

Jumleli [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI: Kathmandu

Jumleli [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Kabye: Boufale [Togo] - Words of Life

Kaike [Nepal] - Words of Life - Only One True Way

Kaivi [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Kakchikel: Chimaltenango [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Kamano-Kafe [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life 2

Kamuku [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Karaube [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Katu: Quang Nam [Vietnam] - Words of Life

Kayaurinci [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Keyagana Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Khaling [India, Sikkim] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Kham, Sheshi [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ KHAM:Char Hajar, NEPALI

Koubitcha [Benin, Zou] - Words of Life

Kraho [Brazil, Maranhão] - Words of Life 1

Kushi [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kuuku-Ya'u [Australia] - Words of Life w/ ENGLISH songs

Kwanga [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 1

Leelau [Nigeria, Taraba] - Becoming a Friend of God

Lembena [Papua New Guinea, Enga] - Words of Life

Lemoro [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Lhowa [Nepal] - There Is Only One True God

Limbu: Chhatthare [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Limbu: Panthare [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Longuda: Jessu [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life 2

Magar, Western [Nepal] - Words of Life

Maithili: Bantar [Nepal] - Words of Life - What is True?

Maithili: Thetiya [India, Bihar] - Don't Hide The Truth

Mak: Zoh [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Maprik: Tamaui [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Ménik [Senegal] - Becoming a Friend of God

Mewahang, Western [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Miship [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life 2

Mixteco de Mitlatongo [Mexico, Oaxaca, Nochixtlan, Mitlatongo] - Words of Salvation

Mixteco de Zoyatlan [Mexico, Guerrero] - Supernatural Encounters

Mugali: Karmarong [Nepal, Province 7, Darchula] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Mundani [Cameroon, Sud-Ouest] - Becoming a Friend of God

Náhuatl del Oeste de Durango [Mexico, Durango] - Words of Truth

Nandu [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Narak [Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands] - Words of Life

Nepali: Achhami [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Nepali: Bajhangi [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Nepali: Bajurali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Nepali: Kalikot [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Newari: Banepali [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati] - Don't Hide The Facts

Newari: Bhaktapur [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Newari: Gopali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Pahari [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Tauthali [Nepal] - The Plain Facts

Nikyob-Nindem: Nikyob [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Nyongnepa [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Becoming a Friend of God

Oksapmin [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Orau: Northern [India, Bihar] - Words of Life (The Way of Life)

Paloor [Senegal] - Becoming a Friend of God

Pero [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Pidgin, Nigeria [Nigeria] - Words of Life 1

Pila [Benin, Atakora] - Words of Life 2

Pomo, Coastal [United States of America, California] - Words of Life

Quechua, S. Bolivian: Sucre [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Rai: Bantawa Panchthar [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Rai, Thulung [Nepal] - The Hidden Truth

Rajbanshi [Nepal] - Words of Life 1

Rishiwa [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Becoming a Friend of God

Rung, Byansi [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Words of Life - Only a True Way

Safeyoka [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life 1 w/ TOK PISIN song

Sakha [Russia, Sakha (Yakutiya)] - Words of Life 2

Samba Daka [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Samberigi [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Santali: Nepal [Nepal] - Words of Life - The True Way

Satalaliya [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - Words of Life - Meaning of Life

Satere [Brazil, Pará] - Words of Life

Sauka: Tinkari [Nepal] - Words of Life - Children of God

Seke [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Seleput [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, West Sepik, Seleput] - Words of Life

Sherpa [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ LHASA songs

Sola-Kante [Benin, Atakora] - Words of Life

Sonaaha [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ THARU: Dangura, NEPALI

Sonaaha [Nepal] - Words of Life

Sunuwar [India, Sikkim] - Words of Life 2 (awaiting title)

Surubu [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Syuba [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tal [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Tamang, Eastern [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tepehuan del Norte [Mexico, Chihuahua] - Words of Life

Tepehuán del Suroeste: Santiago Teneraca [Mexico, Durango] - Power of God for Salvation

Tharu: Dangali [Nepal, Province 5, Dang] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Deokhar [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know

Tharu, Kathariya [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Khawas [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Mahottari [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Tharu: Mari [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Morangia [Nepal] - Words of Life - New Life

Tharu, Rana [Nepal, Province 7, Kanchanpur] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Thudam [Nepal] - Jesus Is Only One True Way

Tichurong [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Turkmen [Turkmenistan] - Scripture - Luke, Matthew

Tuyuca [Colombia, Vaupés] - Words of Life

Ute-Southern Paiute: Ute [United States of America, Colorado] - Words of Life

Waorani [Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Shell] - Words of Life

Western Parbate Kham [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Wiru [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Wompul [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life

Wurkun: Ampandi [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Yakha [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Yambeki [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Yamphu Rai [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Yapunda [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Zhire [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

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