GRN Switzerland

Jezusova zgodba je zdaj na voljo v več kot 6000 jezikih. Poslušajte ali prenesite

Preizkusite mobilno spletno mesto GRN za skupno rabo in prenos posnetkov. 5fish

GRN Switzerland

Ta stran trenutno ni na voljo v Slovenščina.

The Vision of GRN is that people might hear and understand God's word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access. We do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials.

Click here to find languages spoken and recordings available in Switzerland.

Kontaktiraj nas

Philippe Tapernoux
1065, chemin de la Bosque d'Antonelle

Telefon 0033 442 26 49 60 / 0033 772 29 54 92


Subscribe for news about the work in French-speaking countries

Povezane informacije

GRN Offices in Europe - Information from your local GRN office in Europe, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and U.K.

Švica - Informacije o Švica

Europe - The people and work of GRN in Europe