The Invitation

The Invitation

План-конспект: Come unto Me... invitation to all to come to Jesus. Only in Him is need for peace and security met.

Номер текста: X08

Язык: English

Тема: Christ (Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness); Character of God (Love of God); Eternal life (Rest for our souls, Eternal / everlasting life); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

Aудитория: Buddhist; Orthodox; Catholic; Buddhist (Tibetan); New Christian (Buddhist / Hindu backgr)

Цель: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

статус: Approved

Сценарии - это основные инструкции по переводу и записи на другие языки. Их следует при необходимости адаптировать, чтобы сделать понятными и актуальными для каждой культуры и языка. Некоторые используемые термины и концепции могут нуждаться в дополнительном пояснении или даже полностью замещаться или опускаться.

Текст программы

Blessed be the Lord Jesus, that His cross is attracting the whole world. This is the only place where the heavy laden are freed from their burdens. Listen to the hearty invitation that the Lord Jesus Christ gives to all: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This invitation is for all, for the young and for the old, for the rich and for the poor, for the educated and the uneducated.

There are two main things in it. On one hand, the invitation is given to all who have burdens of sin and difficulties. One the other hand, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is God in human form, gives this invitation and promise.

People everywhere are struggling to get two things: security and peace. All people desire that their children will at
least get food, clothing and shelter. Millions of people all over the world are suffering for want of food, clothing and shelter. Where is security? Where is peace? Can the world and its material resources give us peace? Can knowledge, riches, honour and family give us peace? Brothers and sisters, no one has derived peace through these means. Our difficulties are varied. They are physical, economical, intellectual and spiritual. The greatest of all is the spiritual difficulty. Our souls are hungry. We long for the realisation of God. We need forgiveness of sin. We need regeneration. Yes, we stand in need of eternal life.

At such a moment the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, gives you the cordial invitation: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden." God Himself gives you this invitation. When Almighty God gave the sacrifice of His Son, the Lord Jesus, on the cross for my sins, your sins, and the sins of the world, He gave His all in all. The cross of Christ is the supreme act of God's wondrous love. At that place is seen God's love for mankind at its perfection. That love is inviting you. What does God expect from you? He only wants to know whether you love Him or not. If His love has touched your heart, come. Come, just as you are. He can take away the burden of your sin and make your heart clean and new. Take hold of His promise and you will certainly enter into life. You will get eternal peace in your souls. You will have perfect security in Him. May the Lord help you.

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