Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD

രൂപരേഖ: Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
മൂലരേഖ (സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്) നമ്പർ: 421
ഭാഷ: English
പ്രമേയം: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience); Christ (Birth of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation); Character of God (Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Obedience, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Children of God, Humility); Bible timeline (Prophecy, fulfillment of, Gospel, Good News, People of God)
പ്രേക്ഷകർ: General
ഉദ്ദേശം: Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture
അവസ്ഥ: Approved
മറ്റ് ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനും റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്യുന്നതിനുമുള്ള അടിസ്ഥാന മാർഗ്ഗനിർദ്ദേശങ്ങളാണ് സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റുകൾ. ഓരോ വ്യത്യസ്ത സംസ്കാരത്തിനും ഭാഷയ്ക്കും അവ മനസ്സിലാക്കാവുന്നതും പ്രസക്തവുമാക്കുന്നതിന് അവ ആവശ്യാനുസരണം പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുത്തണം. ഉപയോഗിച്ച ചില നിബന്ധനകൾക്കും ആശയങ്ങൾക്കും കൂടുതൽ വിശദീകരണം ആവശ്യമായി വന്നേക്കാം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ രൂപാന്തരപ്പെടുത്തുകയോ പൂർണ്ണമായും ഒഴിവാക്കുകയോ ചെയ്യാം.
മൂലരേഖ (സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്) ടെക്സ്റ്റ്

Hello friends. God loves and cares for all those who obey and serve Him. Listen to these true stories while you look at the pictures (in the Yellow book). Look at the next picture when you hear this sound. (Signal)
Picture 1. A Family Flees from Famine

Ruth 1:1-5
God created all people but they turned against Him. Then God chose the people of Israel to know and worship Him. But sometimes Israel rebelled against God too. Then they worshipped idols and false gods like the other people. God sent war and famine to the people of Israel to try and bring them back to Himself. One family decided to flee to the land of Moab to find food. For ten years they lived in that foreign land. The father died there. The two sons married women from Moab. Then the sons died too. The mother was left with only her daughters-in-law in that foreign land. (Signal)
Picture 2. Naomi and Ruth Return to Israel

Ruth 1:6-22
The mother of that family was called Naomi. Her Moabite daughters-in-law were Ruth and Orpah. Naomi decided to return to the land of Israel. Ruth and Orpah went on the journey with her. Then Naomi said to them, "Return home my daughters. Why do you come with me? I am not going to have more sons who could become your husbands. God has turned against me." Orpah kissed Naomi and went back to her parents' home. But Ruth clung to Naomi and said, "Don't make me leave you. Where you go I will go. Your people shall be my people, and your God will be my God." So Ruth went with Naomi to Bethlehem in the land of Israel. (Signal)
Picture 3. Ruth in The Harvest Field

Ruth 2:1-23
Naomi and Ruth were very poor. Ruth said to Naomi, "Let me go to the fields and pick up the left-over grain." She went to a field where the workers were harvesting the barley. The owner of that field was a man named Boaz. He asked his workers about the foreign woman in his field. They said, "She is the Moabitess who came with Naomi." Boaz heard how she had been good to her mother-in-law. He saw that she was a good worker. So he said to Ruth, "Stay with my workers until they finish harvesting my grain." He told his workers not to harm her, but to leave grain for her to gather. That evening Ruth told Naomi about the kindness of Boaz. Naomi said, "May God bless him! He is our close relative." (Signal)
Picture 4. Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor

Ruth 3:1-18
When a man died in Israel, his nearest relative could marry the dead man's wife. One day Naomi said to Ruth, "I must find a husband for you so that you will have a home of your own. Boaz is our relative. This evening he will be threshing barley. So wash and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go where he is threshing. Notice where he lies down, and after he falls asleep, lie down at his feet." Ruth did just as Naomi had told her. When Boaz awoke he found Ruth at his feet. He knew that she wanted to marry him. So he said to her, "Ruth, I will do everything you ask, for everyone knows that you are a good woman." (Signal)
Picture 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem

Ruth 4:1-22
Boaz called ten elders together at the gate of Bethlehem. Another relative had the right to marry Ruth first, but they all agreed that Boaz should have her. To seal the agreement, the relative gave Boaz his shoe. This was the custom in Israel. So Boaz took Ruth as his wife. They had a son called Obed. Then the women said to Naomi, "Praise God! He has given you a grandson to take care of you. Your daughter-in-law loves you. She is better to you than seven sons." Friends, Ruth found great joy when she served God and His people. And Obed became the grandfather of David, the great King of Israel. (Signal)
Picture 6. Mary and the Angel of God

Luke 1:26-38
Many generations after Ruth, God chose another woman to serve Him. Her name was Mary. She was descended from Ruth. Mary was a virgin. She was promised to a man named Joseph. But before they were married, an angel of God appeared to Mary. He said to her, "Do not be afraid Mary. You have found favour with God. You will give birth to a Son and you will call Him Jesus. He will be the Son of the Most High God." Mary said to the angel, "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." Then the Holy Spirit of God came to Mary, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a Son. So Mary became the mother of Jesus, the Son of God! (Music)
Picture 7. Hannah Prays to God

1 Samuel 1:1-20
Just after the time of Ruth, in the land of Israel there was a woman called Hannah. Her husband loved her, but Hannah was very unhappy because she did not have any children. Every year they went to the House of God at Shiloh. They took offerings and made sacrifices to God. Hannah went into the House of God and said, "O God, if you will remember me and give me a son, then I will give him to you all the days of his life." Her lips moved as she spoke to God, but she made no noise with her voice. Eli, the chief priest, saw her. He thought she was drunk. But God heard the prayer of Hannah, and sometime later she gave birth to a son. She called him Samuel. (Signal)
Picture 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God

1 Samuel 1:24-28, 2:12-21, 3:1-21
While Samuel was still a little boy, Hannah gave him to God. She took him to live with Eli in Shiloh. Eli taught Samuel how to serve God. Eli had two sons. They were priests, but they were wicked men. So God stopped speaking to the people through His priests. One night Samuel was lying down in the House of God. Suddenly God called his name. Samuel ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." But Eli said, "I did not call you, go and lie down." This happened three times. Then Eli realized that it must be God calling Samuel. So he told Samuel to answer God and say, "Speak, Lord, your servant hears." God spoke to Samuel many times and he became a great prophet and leader in Israel. (Signal)
Picture 9. Samuel Prays for Israel

1 Samuel 4:10-11, 7:2-14
God punished the wicked sons of Eli. They were killed in battle and Israel was defeated by the Philistines. For over 20 years the Philistines ruled over Israel. Then Samuel said to the people, "If you return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods, and serve God only, He will deliver you from the Philistines." The Israelites obeyed Samuel. They came together at one place. Then Samuel offered a sacrifice to God and prayed for Israel. The Philistines gathered together to attack Israel, but God sent a great thunderstorm upon them. The Philistines fled in fear, and Israel was able to defeat them all. (Signal)
Picture 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil

1 Samuel 8:1-9, 9:15 - 10:1
God was the real King of Israel and Samuel led the people for Him. But the people wanted a man to be their king, because the other tribes had kings of their own. Samuel was not pleased when he heard this. But God said to him, "It is not you they have rejected as king, but it is Me. Listen to the people and give them a king." There was a young man named Saul. He was tall and good looking. One day Saul went to visit Samuel. When Samuel saw him coming, God said to Samuel, "This is the man...he will rule over my people." So Samuel took a flask of oil. He poured the oil on the head of Saul. This was the sign that he was chosen to be king. For 40 years Saul ruled as king over Israel. (Signal)
Picture 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe

1 Samuel 15:1-29
The Amalekites were very wicked people who had harmed Israel. So Samuel said to king Saul, "Listen to the message from God. Kill all the Amalekites and destroy everything that belongs to them." God helped Saul and his army to defeat the Amalekites, but they disobeyed God. They saved the Amalekites' animals to sacrifice to God and they did not kill the Amalekite king. Then Samuel said to Saul, "Because you have rejected the command of God, He has rejected you as king." Samuel turned to leave and Saul grasped Samuel's robe. It tore in his hand. So Samuel said, "God has torn the kingdom of Israel from you, and has given it to a better man." Friends, Saul offered sacrifices to God but he did not obey Him. Samuel obeyed and served God all the days of his life. Obedience pleases God, more than offerings please Him. (Signal)
Picture 12. Jesus in the House of God

Luke 2:41-50
Many years after Samuel, Jesus was a child in Israel. Mary was His mother, but God was His Father. When Jesus was 12 years old, He went to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph. Jesus became lost. Mary and Joseph searched for Him. After three days they found Jesus in the House of God. He was talking with the Jewish teachers about God. Mary said to Him, "We have been so worried trying to find you." But Jesus said, "I had to be in My Father's House." When Jesus was just a boy like Samuel, He knew that He had come to serve God. Jesus came to lead all people back to God, for God is the True King and leader of everyone. (Music)
Introduction to Part B

Some of the greatest men who ever lived were servants of God. These stories tell the secret of their power (how God made them great). Look at the next picture when you hear this signal. (Signal)
Picture 13. David, The Brave Shepherd

1 Samuel 16:1-13, 17:34-35
Saul was the first king of Israel, but he disobeyed God. So God left Saul and did not help him any more. There was a young boy named David. He looked after his father's sheep. He trusted in the Living God. He was not afraid of danger. One day a lion took one of the sheep. David killed the lion and saved the sheep. He made beautiful music and sang praises to God. David became the kind of man God wants all men to be, so God chose David to be king after Saul. (Signal)
Picture 14. David and the Giant

1 Samuel 17:1-54
There was war between the Philistines and Israel. The Philistines had a giant called Goliath. He called to Israel and said, "Choose a man...if he is able to kill me, then we will be your slaves but if I kill him, you shall be our slaves." The men of Israel were afraid of Goliath. No one would fight him. Then young David said, "Who is this Philistine who does not know God? He should not threaten the army of the Living God!" David was not afraid of him. God could help him kill the giant. So David took his sling and cast a stone right at the giant's head. Goliath fell to the ground and David ran to him. He took Goliath's own sword and cut off his head. So the army of Israel was able to defeat the Philistines. (Signal)
Picture 15. Saul Tries to Kill David

1 Samuel 18:1 - 23:29
At first Saul was pleased with David because he saved Israel. The people of Israel loved David. He became a great soldier and leader. Then Saul became jealous of David. He wanted to kill David. One day David was making music for Saul on his harp. An evil spirit entered Saul. He picked up his spear and threw it at David, but it missed him and stuck in the wall. After that Saul tried to kill David many times. Saul's son Jonathan and many Israelites helped David, but he still had to flee to the desert to escape from Saul. (Signal)
Picture 16. David Spares Saul's Life

1 Samuel 26:1-25
Saul and his army went to capture David in the desert. At night, when Saul and his men were asleep, David and his friend, Abishai, crept into Saul's camp. Abishai wanted to kill the sleeping king, but David stopped him. He said, "God will punish whoever harms His chosen king." David took the spear and the water jug from beside Saul's head. When they had gone out of the camp, David cried out to awaken the men. He said, "You have not protected your master. Look! Here is the king's spear!" David said to Saul, "Just as I have spared your life today, may God spare my life too." So after that, Saul stopped trying to kill David. (Signal)
Picture 17. David is Made King

1 Samuel 31:1-7; 2 Samuel 5:1-25, 8:1-15
The Philistines came to fight Israel again. King Saul and Jonathan were killed in the battle. Then the people made David the king of Israel. He built his palace in the city of Jerusalem. God said to David, "I took you from looking after the sheep, and I made you king over my people Israel. I will make you great like the greatest men of the earth." So God made David great and gave him power to defeat all the enemies of Israel. (Signal)
Picture 18. David and Bathsheba

2 Samuel 11:1 - 12:20
One day David was walking on the roof of his palace. He saw a beautiful woman having a bath. David wanted her for himself. The woman's name was Bathsheba. She was the wife of Uriah who was a soldier in David's army. Uriah had gone away to fight the enemies of Israel. So David sent a message to the captain of his army. He told the captain to make sure that Uriah was killed in the war. Then David took Bathsheba to be his own wife. But the thing that David had done did not please God. The first son of David and Bathsheba died. David asked God to forgive him for the terrible thing he had done. (Signal)
Picture 19. A House for God

2 Samuel 7:1-29; 1 Chronicles 22:1-19
David sinned against God. However, he loved God and wanted to serve Him. He wanted to build a great house to worship God. But God said, "You are not to build a house for Me, because you have killed many people. You will have a son. His name will be Solomon. He is the one who will build a house for Me. I will establish his kingdom forever." David prepared many things for the house of God before he died, but it was Solomon who built it. That house of God was very beautiful. It took seven years to build. The people of Israel worshipped God at the house in Jerusalem for hundreds of years. They never forgot that David was their greatest king. (Signal)
Picture 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem

Matthew 21:1-11
About 1000 years after David, Jesus was born. He was a descendant of King David. His mother was the virgin Mary. His Father was Almighty God. Jesus was the greatest servant of God. He taught the people the truth about God. He worked miracles by the power of God. Saul and David and all of us have sinned against God, but Jesus never sinned. One day He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people cried out to Him, "Hosanna (Greatest One)! Son of David! Great and honored is He who comes in the Name of God!" For the people saw that Jesus was even greater than David. He is the King above all kings on this earth. (Music)
Picture 21. The Birds Feed Elijah

1 Kings 16:29 - 17:6
After David and Solomon, other kings ruled in Israel. One was a man called Ahab. He had an evil wife called Jezebel. She killed many of the followers of God, and she forced the people to worship the idols of Baal. Elijah was a great prophet of God. He went to Ahab and said, "In the Name (by the power) of the Living God of Israel, there will be no rain for the next three years." So God sent a great famine upon the land of Israel. However, God cared for his servant Elijah. He sent Elijah to a place called Cherith, where he could drink from a stream. And every day the birds brought food for Elijah to eat. (Signal)
Picture 22. Elijah and the Fire of God

1 Kings 18:16-39
In the third year of famine, Elijah called Ahab and all the people to Mount Carmel. He said to them, "If the Lord is God, then follow Him; but if Baal is god, then follow him." The people killed a bull as a sacrifice to Baal. Then Elijah said to the priests of Baal, "Call on your god, and I will call on the Lord God. The one who answers by fire, He is God." All day the priests of Baal called to their god. They danced around their sacrifice and cut themselves with knives. But there was no fire. At evening, Elijah prepared his sacrifice. He even soaked it with water. Then he prayed to God. Immediately fire fell from Heaven. It burned up the sacrifice and the water as well. And all the people cried out, "The Lord - He is God!" (Signal)
Picture 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven

1 Kings 19:1-21; 2 Kings 2:1-14
Elijah killed those priests of Baal because they were so wicked. Then Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah. He was afraid, so he fled to a desert place. There God met Elijah. Then Elijah was afraid no longer. He continued to teach the people to worship the One True God. Elijah chose Elisha to help him. One day as they walked along together, a chariot of fire rushed between them. God lifted Elijah up to Heaven in a whirlwind, and Elisha saw him no more. (Signal)
Picture 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses

Luke 9:28-36
In the time of Jesus (700 years later), Elijah returned to earth. One day he appeared on a mountain with Jesus. Moses, the great prophet who lived before Elijah, appeared with them too. Three men saw them all shining with the glory of God. Then God Himself spoke from Heaven. He said, "This is My Son... listen to Him." Friends, God and all the great men of Israel point us to Jesus. Jesus came to serve all men. He died as a sacrifice to pay for our sins, and He rose from death to give life to our spirits forever. So listen to Him and find everlasting life. (Music)