Story Producer 108 - Jacob and Esau

Story Producer 108 - Jacob and Esau

രൂപരേഖ: Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-46

മൂലരേഖ (സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്) നമ്പർ: 1271

ഭാഷ: English

പ്രേക്ഷകർ: General

ഉദ്ദേശം: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

അവസ്ഥ: Approved

മറ്റ് ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനും റെക്കോർഡുചെയ്യുന്നതിനുമുള്ള അടിസ്ഥാന മാർഗ്ഗനിർദ്ദേശങ്ങളാണ് സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റുകൾ. ഓരോ വ്യത്യസ്‌ത സംസ്‌കാരത്തിനും ഭാഷയ്‌ക്കും അവ മനസ്സിലാക്കാവുന്നതും പ്രസക്തവുമാക്കുന്നതിന് അവ ആവശ്യാനുസരണം പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുത്തണം. ഉപയോഗിച്ച ചില നിബന്ധനകൾക്കും ആശയങ്ങൾക്കും കൂടുതൽ വിശദീകരണം ആവശ്യമായി വന്നേക്കാം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ രൂപാന്തരപ്പെടുത്തുകയോ പൂർണ്ണമായും ഒഴിവാക്കുകയോ ചെയ്യാം.

മൂലരേഖ (സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്) ടെക്സ്റ്റ്

Title ideas:Jacob and Esau. The birthright [inheritance] and the blessing.The struggle between the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah

Isaac married Rebekah when he was 40 years old. For many months, she birthed [bore / had] no child. So Isaac prayed, “Lord, please, let my wife Rebekah birth [have/bear] a child.”

The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with [was soon going to birth/bear] twins. She could feel them struggling with one another inside her.

She prayed, “Lord, please, tell me why the babes are struggling inside me? What does it mean [portend / signify]?”

The Lord replied, “The descendants from the two sons in your womb will become two different nations. Those two nations will be enemies. The descendants from the younger son will dominate [rule] over the descendants from the older one.”

Rebekah gave birth to her twin sons. Isaac named the first-born son Esau, because he had much reddish hair [like an animal]. (Esau means reddish [rusty color]).

Isaac named the second-born son Jacob, because he was born holding his brother’s heel. (Jacob means the word heel.)

The boys grew to become young men. Esau loved being out-of-doors [going to the forest], and he became a skillful hunter [killing wild animals / beasts].

However [But], Jacob preferred [liked] staying near home. He liked doing quiet [calm] tasks [working near home].

After going hunting, Esau would bring home animal meat. Isaac liked the taste of cooked wild meat, so Esau became Isaac’s favorite [preferred] son.

Rebekah favored [preferred to be with] her son Jacob.

One day, while Jacob was cooking some lentil [bean / vegetable] stew, his brother Esau came home from hunting.

Esau was very hungry, so he asked Jacob, “Please give me some stew that is simmering [bubbling / cooking].”

Jacob agreed but added, “I will give you some stew, if [on condition that] you will give to me your birthright [rights and inheritance belonging to a firstborn son].”

(In those days, a first-born son would become chief [head / leader] over his extended family [clan / all of his relatives]. So his father would give to him a double inheritance.)

Esau replied carelessly [without thinking carefully] saying, “I am dying with hunger, so the birthright is worthless [no use] to me!”

Jacob said, “Swear [promise] to give me the birthright.” Esau quickly replied, “I swear [I do / I will].”

After Esau ate some of Jacob’s stew, he left. That day, Esau cared more about food than about his birthright as Isaac’s first-born son.

After many years, Isaac was old and became blind. He thought, “I shall soon die, so I will give my final blessing to my first-born son Esau.”

Isaac called Esau and said, “Go hunting, kill an animal, and cook [prepare] for me my favorite food. After that, I will give to you my final blessing.”

Isaac’s wife Rebekah heard what he said to Esau. Because she preferred her son Jacob, she thought of a way to make Isaac give the final blessing to Jacob.

Rebekah ordered Jacob, “Fetch [bring] me two young goats.” When he had done so, she cooked one of the goats in the way that Isaac liked it.

She then said to her son Jacob, “Here are some of Esau’s clothes. Quickly, put them on.” Next, she tied some goatskin on Jacob’s arms, so he [his arms] would feel hairy like Esau’s arms.

Jacob carried the food to Isaac. Isaac asked him, “Who are you? Are you Jacob, or are you Esau?”

Jacob lied and said, “I am Esau.” Isaac replied, “Your voice does not sound like Esau’s voice.”

So Isaac touched the skins that Jacob was wearing. These felt like Esau’s hairy arms.

Isaac then ate the food that Jacob had brought him. Isaac felt suspicious, so he said, “My son, come near and embrace me [kiss me on my cheek].”

When Isaac smelled the odor from Esau’s clothes, he thought, “This son must be Esau.” So he blessed him.

Isaac blessed Jacob, believing Jacob was Esau. Isaac prayed for him saying, “Lord, I ask you to give my son gardens that produce much food.”

“Please make my son become a powerful ruler [leader] over many nations and cause evil to come upon everyone who wishes evil on my son. Prosper all who speak and do good to him.” Jacob then left Isaac’s tent.

Later that same day, Esau returned [came] home from the hunt, and he cooked wild animal meat in the way that Isaac liked it. Esau brought the meat to Isaac.

Esau said, “Father, here is your food. Please, bless me now.” Then Isaac knew that Jacob had deceived [tricked] him. Isaac began to tremble [shake].

Isaac explained [said], “I have already blessed Jacob.” Esau replied, “Father! Bless me, me too!”

Isaac felt overcome with sadness, and said, “Because Jacob deceived me, I blessed him instead of you. I cannot bless you, you too. Jacob will become your ruler [leader], but you will, one day [someday], get free from him.”

Esau began that day to hate his brother Jacob, because Jacob had stolen his [Esau’s] blessing. Esau said to himself, “After our father has died, I will kill Jacob!” But Rebekah learned [found out] what Esau wanted to do.

So, Rebekah went to Isaac and said, “Jacob should get married. Send Jacob to stay with my brother, until he finds a wife.” Isaac agreed to do so. Rebekah thought that Jacob would come back [return] when Esau was no longer angry towards him.

ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വിവരങ്ങൾ

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