ഈ മൂലരേഖയുടെ (സ്ക്രിപ്റ്റിന്റെ) റെക്കോർഡിംഗുകൾ: TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
1 മുതൽ 28 വരെയുള്ള 28 ഇനങ്ങൾ കാണിക്കുന്നു
Banawa [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life
Burmese [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Chin, Dai: Ngxang [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Chin, Eastern Khumi: Lemi [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Chin, Falam: Taisun [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Chin, Hakha [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Chin Kungsho [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Gbereshe Mandingo [Sierra Leone] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Itneg, Moyadan [Philippines, Luzon] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Kayah, Western [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Kebu Fula [Sierra Leone] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Kikuyu [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 - 3
Kissi, Northern: Teng [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Kono [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Kuranko: Sengbeh [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Limba, East: Northern [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Limba, West-Central: Western [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Loko [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Lundaye [Brunei] - Words of Life
Naga, Kokak [Myanmar, Sagaing, Layshi] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Naga, Long Phuri [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Christmas & Easter
Pular: Futa Peta [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ
Shan [Myanmar] - The Living Christ - Lessons 3 & 4
Swahili [Kenya] [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 1 - 3
Tamil [India, Tamil Nadu] - Words of Life 2
Tupari [Brazil, Rondônia] - Words of Life & Songs
Yalunka: Sulima [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ