Sounds of Language Foundation Thailand

Ыйсанын окуясы азыр 6000ден ашуун тилде жеткиликтүү. Угуңуз же жүктөп алыңыз

Жазууларды бөлүшүү жана жүктөп алуу үчүн GRN мобилдик веб-сайтын колдонуп көрүңүз. 5fish

Бул барак учурда Кыргыз тилинде жеткиликтүү эмес.

The Vision of GRN is that people might hear and understand God's word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access. We do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials.

Click here to find languages spoken and recordings available in Thailand.

Биз менен байланыш

Sounds of Language Foundation

124 Moo 9, Baan Buak Khrok Tai
T. Thawangtan A. Saraphi
Chiang Mai 50140 Thailand

Телефон 66-053-021-332



Байланыштуу маалымат

Asia - The people and work of GRN in Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Thailand, Korea and Pakistan.

GRN Offices in Asia - Information from your local GRN office in Asia, including Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

Тайланд - Тайланд жөнүндө маалымат

Don't speak Akha? Our recordings do! - A Christian living in Thailand shares her first experience using GRN materials.

Thailand: That Little Box Speaks My Language - Feedback from Thailand on the Saber player

Some Difficulities of Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Evangelism - This is a memo on the problems of determining the language groups that need evangelism. These notes from a Paul Hattaway lecture during the recent recordist training provided much of the material.