Language Recordings Institute Pakistan

예수님에 대한 이야기는 현재 6,000개 이상의 언어로 접하실 수 있습니다. 듣기 또는 다운로드

이 페이지는 한국어로 제공되지..

Language Recordings is a mission organization that records Gospel messages so that people might hear and understand God's word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access. We do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials.

Click here to find languages spoken and recordings available in Pakistan

See also languages spoken and recordings available in Afghanistan

See also languages spoken and recordings available in Iran




Asia - The people and work of GRN in Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Thailand, Korea and Pakistan.

GRN Offices in Asia - Information from your local GRN office in Asia, including Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

파키스탄 - 파키스탄에 관한 정보