Christ Our Victory

Christ Our Victory

គ្រោង: First paragraph gives clearly and concisely the important beliefs applied personally which are necessary to be a real Christian. Rest of script explains why some Christians are not victorious and have no assurance. Sin reigns instead of Christ. Letting Christ reign results in victory, love, peace etc. Christ living in us is the answer.

លេខស្គ្រីប: 212

ភាសា: English

ប្រធានបទ: Sin and Satan (Separation from sin); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Holy Spirit, Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (New Nature, Victory, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)

ទស្សនិកជន: New Christian

រចនាប័ទ្ម: Monolog

ប្រភេទ: Bible Stories & Teac

គោលបំណង: Teaching

សម្រង់ព្រះគម្ពីរ: Paraphrase

ស្ថានភាព: Approved

ស្គ្រីបគឺជាគោលការណ៍ណែនាំជាមូលដ្ឋានសម្រាប់ការបកប្រែ និងការកត់ត្រាជាភាសាផ្សេង។ ពួកគេគួរតែត្រូវបានកែសម្រួលតាមការចាំបាច់ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យពួកគេអាចយល់បាន និងពាក់ព័ន្ធសម្រាប់វប្បធម៌ និងភាសាផ្សេងៗគ្នា។ ពាក្យ និងគោលគំនិតមួយចំនួនដែលប្រើអាចត្រូវការការពន្យល់បន្ថែម ឬសូម្បីតែត្រូវបានជំនួស ឬលុបចោលទាំងស្រុង។


I would like to ask you a question. What is a Christian? Perhaps you have heard many answers to this question. But there is only one true answer. It's very simple. It's from God's Book. A Christian is a person who believes that Jesus (Christ) is the only Son of God. He believes that God sent Jesus into the world to die for the sins of all people. A Christian believes that Jesus died for his sins. He believes that Jesus rose again after three days. He believes that Jesus has come to dwell in his heart (A Christian invites Jesus to control his life). That means that Jesus is living in him!

Perhaps you think that you are a Christian (want to be a Christian). You may be struggling to obey God's laws. Many times you may try to do good - but find you cannot. You sin. You do not enjoy prayer. You do not enjoy studying God's Word. You do not tell others about Jesus. You have no song in your heart. Why do others not see the Lord Jesus living in you?

The Bible says it is because you have allowed sin to reign in your heart. Sin is your master; not the Lord Jesus. Your sin may be only one. Or you may have many, many sins. Perhaps you are not trusting Jesus all the time (for all things). This, too, is sin.

I have good news for you! If you are truly a Christian, the Lord Jesus is living in you! Yes, He is in heaven, but also your body is the home of Jesus (Jesus' Spirit). You know that after Jesus died, He also rose again. This showed us that He is the Victor over sin, over death and over Satan. When Jeus (Jesus' Spirit) lives in our hearts, He is able to be our victory over sin, death and Satan. Because of this, our lives can be clean and good and our minds can be free from sin and lust. There is no need for us to live selfishly and for our own desires, because all the power of the Lord Jesus dwells within us. Jesus wants to put love in our hearts for one another instead of hatred and jealousy; patience instead of anger and bitterness; joy instead of sorrow and despair in time of trouble; peace instead of fear; obedience to God's Word instead of disobedience. In fact, as we trust Jesus, He is able to meet all our needs. He is God! He is our life!

We cannot make ourselves good. We cannot obey God's laws in our own strength. Just as we trusted Jesus to save us, so let us trust Him to live in us. When Jesus died on the cross, it is as if our sinful desires and willfulness died with Him. This is what the Bible says. It also says that we have risen with Christ (Jesus). He has given us new life. He has given us His life. If at any time we do sin, we must quickly ask Jesus to cleanse us. He has promised in His Word that if we confess our sins and forsake them, He will forgive us. His blood will cleanse us immediately. Let us thank Him and praise Him that He is our Victory. If we trust Him, He will give us power to refuse sin. Let us trust Him to be our Victory every time.


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