បច្ចុប្បន្នទំព័រនេះមិនមាននៅក្នុង ខ្មែរ ទេ។.
By Becky Faulk
My family served as missionaries in Nigeria for 17 years. It was an incredible time of seeing God move in amazing ways. He worked through the recordings of GRN more times than I can remember. Our ministry was transformed by the recordings. I distributed thousands of copies. I had a duplicator and used over 40 languages.
My family lived in a bush village. We were the only white folks. We did our best to learn two languages, Hausa and Fulfulde. My husband ran a clinic in our backyard and we kept a recording playing all the time. Patients almost always stayed after their treatment to hear the rest of the recording! We then gave them one to take home.
I had a ministry in the market also. Once a week we had a market day. God would lead me to various merchants and market visitors. People would always congregate in the same area week after week. I would introduce a message in their mother tongue. I would offer a recording and tell them that next week they could exchange it for a new one.
What exciting stories I heard of many neighbors who would gather to listen to the messages! I often loaned the little hand-crank players as well. We saw lives transformed.
Since returning to the States, I have become involved with international students. I am "the shopping lady" at our local university. Most of the internationals are here for a short stay and can't drive. I have prearranged pick up times on campus. I get a load of students and we go to the bank and grocery and wherever they need to go. Over the weeks we become friends and I am able to tell them about Jesus.
Yesterday, I introduced five students to your website. One girl from Azerbaijan said that she believed in God but was not sure about a real religious faith. She said, "While I am in America I hope to settle the issue of my faith." Wow! What an opportunity. We had a great talk about Jesus and I wrote down the website and told her I was sure there was something in her language.
We have often said that if we were to start our work over again in a new place, the first thing we would do is get recordings that accurately teach God's word while capturing the people's attention. GRN does that very well.