Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.
Scripts in Chinese Simplified
Good News

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 1

(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
unfoldingWord 14 - 旷野游荡

(unfoldingWord 14 - Wandering in the Wilderness) - Exodus 16-17; Numbers 10-14; 20; 27; Deuteronomy 34
unfoldingWord 17 - 上帝与大卫立约

(unfoldingWord 17 - God's Covenant with David) - 1 Samuel 10; 15-19; 24; 31; 2 Samuel 5; 7; 11-12
unfoldingWord 20 - 放逐和回归

(unfoldingWord 20 - The Exile and Return) - 2 Kings 17; 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36; Ezra 1-10; Nehemiah 1-13
unfoldingWord 24 - 约翰为耶稣施洗

(unfoldingWord 24 - John Baptizes Jesus) - Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1:15-37
unfoldingWord 25 - 撒但试探耶稣

(unfoldingWord 25 - Satan Tempts Jesus) - Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
unfoldingWord 26 - 耶稣开始传道

(unfoldingWord 26 - Jesus Starts his Ministry) - Matthew 4:12-25; Mark 1-3; Luke 4
unfoldingWord 28 - 一个青年财主

(unfoldingWord 28 - The Rich Young Ruler) - Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30
unfoldingWord 29 - 一个恶仆的故事

(unfoldingWord 29 - The Story of the Unmerciful Servant) - Matthew 18:21-35
unfoldingWord 30 - 耶稣喂饱五千人

(unfoldingWord 30 - Jesus Feeds Thousands of People) - Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15
unfoldingWord 31 - 耶稣在海面上行走

(unfoldingWord 31 - Jesus Walks on Water) - Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21
unfoldingWord 32 - 耶稣医治被鬼附的男人和生病的女人

(unfoldingWord 32 - Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man and a Sick Woman) - Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48
unfoldingWord 33 - 农夫的故事

(unfoldingWord 33 - The Story of the Farmer) - Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15
unfoldingWord 34 - 耶稣教导其他故事

(unfoldingWord 34 - Jesus Teaches other Stories) - Matthew 13:31-46; Mark 4:26-34; Luke 13:18-21;18:9-14
unfoldingWord 36 - 变像

(unfoldingWord 36 - The Transfiguration) - Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36
unfoldingWord 37 - 耶稣让拉撒路从死里复活

(unfoldingWord 37 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead) - John 11:1-46
unfoldingWord 38 - 耶稣遭到背叛

(unfoldingWord 38 - Jesus is Betrayed) - Matthew 26:14-56; Mark 14:10-50; Luke 22:1-53; John 18:1-11
unfoldingWord 39 - 耶稣遭受审判

(unfoldingWord 39 - Jesus is Put on Trial) - Matthew 26:57-27:26; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:16
unfoldingWord 40 - 耶稣被钉十字架

(unfoldingWord 40 - Jesus is Crucified) - Matthew 27:27-61; Mark 15:16-47; Luke 23:26-56; John 19:17-42
unfoldingWord 41 - 上帝让耶稣从死里复活

(unfoldingWord 41 - God Raises Jesus from the Dead) - Matthew 27:62-28:15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18
unfoldingWord 42 - 耶稣复活升天

(unfoldingWord 42 - Jesus Returns to Heaven) - Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:12-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-11
unfoldingWord 46 - 保罗成为基督徒

(unfoldingWord 46 - Saul Becomes a Follower of Jesus) - Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31; 11:19-26; 13-14
unfoldingWord 48 - 耶稣是应许的那位弥赛亚

(unfoldingWord 48 - Jesus is the Promised Messiah) - Genesis 1-3, 6, 14, 22; Exodus 12, 20; 2 Samuel 7; Hebrews 3:1-6, 4:14-5:10, 7:1-8:13, 9:11-10:18; Revelation 21
unfoldingWord 49 - 上帝的新约

(unfoldingWord 49 - God's New Covenant) - Genesis 3; Matthew 13-14; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 2; 10:25-37; 15; John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, 5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 1:5-10
unfoldingWord 50 - 耶稣归来

(unfoldingWord 50 - Jesus Returns) - Matthew 13:24-42; 22:13; 24:14; 28:18; John 4:35; 15:20; 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10; 20:10; 21-22

(Good News) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Good News ^) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has an optional picture book to go along with the recording.

(The Living Christ) - A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.

(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD) - Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD) - Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD) - Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT) - The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD) - Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

(Meeting the Creator God) - A series of nine scripts which have been adapted a little to harmonize with each other: Attributes of God, Creation and Fall, Judgement, Birth of Jesus, Jesus Can Heal Your Soul, The Gadarene, The Death of Christ, The Christian Life, Living for Jesus. They are all monolog except for section 3; "Judgement" is a dialog.