unfoldingWord 12 - Isra7eele Asay Gibxefe Kessaa

unfoldingWord 12 - Isra7eele Asay Gibxefe Kessaa

Outline: Exodus 12:33-15:21

Script Number: 1212

Language: Gofa

Audience: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Bible Quotation: Paraphrase

状態: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Isra7eele asay, daro ufaysan Gibxefe keydosona. Hizape entti aylle gidonashin, Xoossay enttaw kase immana gidi qaala gelida biitta boosona. Isra7eele asay, Gibxeta bira alleqo, worqqa alleqonne ma7o immana mela oychidosona. Gibxeti, entti oychidaba ubbaa immidosona. Qassi Isra7eeletara issife hara biitta asayka Xoossaa ammanidi, Gibxefe keydosona.

Xoossay entta sinthan bishe, gallasi shaara tuussan, qamma tama tuussan entta kaalethis. Xoossay ubba wode enttara de7iya gisho entta kaalethis. Enttafe naagettiyabay aybe giikko, si77i gidi Xoossaa kaalo xalaala.

Isra7eele asay, keydi bidaappe guye, Paaronaranne iya oosanchotara bantta qofa laammidi, Isra7eele asaa zaaridi aylle oothanaw koydosona. Tuma Xoossi, iya xalaala gideysa asay be7ana melanne Xoossay Paaronappenne iya xoossatappe aadhiya wolqqaama gideysa bessanaw Xoossay Paarona wozanaa muumsis.

Paaronaranne iya olanchotara Isra7eele asaa zaaridi aylle oythanaw koydi yedethidosona. Isra7eele asay Gibxe olanchota be7ida wode, olanchotappenne Zo7o Abbaafe giddon teqetidaysa be7idosona. Entti daro yashetida gisho, “Nuuni Gibxefe ays keydoo? Nuuni dhayda!” yaagidi waassidosona.

Musey Isra7eela asaako, “Babbofite! Xoossay hintte gisho olettidi, hinttena ashshana” yaagis. Xoossay Musekko, “Isra7eele asay Zo7o Abbaako sinthe hemettana mela oda” yaagis.

Hessafe guye, Xoossay, Gibxe olanchoti Isra7eele asaa be7ona mela shaara tuussaa Gibxetapenne Isra7eeletappe giddon essis.

Abbaa bolla ba kushiya miccana melanne Abbaa shaakkana mela Xoossay Muse kiittis. Xoossay carkko yeddidi, biittay benttana gakkanaw Abbaa shoccin, haathay ushachinne haddirssi shaakettidi godada eqqis.

Haathay shaakettidi nam7u baggan godada eqqin, Isra7eele asay mela biittara hemettidi pinnidosona.

Hessafe guye, Isra7eele asay kessi ekkidaysa Gebxe olanchoti be7ana mela Xoossay shaara tuussa entta sinthafe denthis. Yaatin, Gibxeti entta yedethanaw koydosona.

Gibxe olanchoti Abbaa ogiyara Isra7eele asaa kaallidosona. Gidoshin, Xoossay Gibxe olanchota un7ethis, entta paratakka qachis. Yaatin entti “Xoossay Isra7eele asaas olettiya gisho, hintte shemppuwas gidi baqatite” yaagidi waassidosona.

Isra7eele asay sarora Abbaa pinnidaappe guye, Musey ba kushiya miccana mela Xoossay iyaw odis. Musey, Xoossay gidaysada oothidaappe guye, haathay Gibxe olanchota bolla simmis; ba kesse bessaa simmidi gogethi doomis. Gibxe olanchoti kumethi haathan mitetidosona.

Gibxe asay hayqidaysa Isra7eele asay be7ida wode, Xoossan ammanetidosona; Museykka Xoossaa nabe gideysa akeekidosona.

Xoossay Isra7eele asaa hayqoppe ashshida gishonne aylletethafe kessida gisho daro malaaletidi ufaytidosona. Ha77i Xoossaa haggaazanaw la77a keydosona. Xoossay, entta Gibxe olanchotappe ashshida gisho, Isra7eele asay, bantta ooratha la77atetha qoncisanawnne Xoossaa bonchanaw daro ufayssa mazmure zammardosona.

Xoossay enttaw Gibxeta bolla waatidi xoono immidakonne aylletethafe waatidi kessidaakko qoppanaw laythan laythan Faasika Baale bonchana mela Isra7eeleta kiittis. Enttika borey baynna maraze shukkidi, uythara midi ufytidosona.Geeshsha Maxaafa taarikey eketiday, Kessaa 12:33 -15:21


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