Good News

Good News

概要: Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

スクリプト番号: 395

言語: English

テーマ: Sin and Satan (Temptation, Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ, Life of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Love of God, Holy Spirit, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer, petition, New Nature, Worship, Witnessing, Church, Christianity, Second Birth, Obedience, No other gods, idols, Peace with God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Peace (between men), Children of God, Family, relationships, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Creation, Law of God, End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News, People of God); Problems (Materialism, Evil Spirits, demons, Fear, Problems, troubles, worries)

観客: General

スタイル: Monolog

ジャンル: Bible Stories & Teac

目的: Evangelism

聖書の引用: Extensive

状態: Archive




Hello friends. (Local cultural greeting.)
Come and listen to this Good News. What I'm about to tell you are not my words or the thoughts of people, but the general teaching from God's holy book.
Listen carefully. If you have the picture book, when you hear the drums, for example (sample of drums) look at the next picture. (Signal)



Genesis 1:1-4; Psalm 90:2

Before the earth was created there was only God and besides Him there was nothing. God is sovereign and rules over everything. God made the earth and commanded the light to shine. God created two big bodies to give light. He made the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. (Signal)

Picture 2. THE WORD OF GOD

Picture 2. THE WORD OF GOD

Isaiah 45:18-19; Hebrews 4:12

The Holy Bible (INJIL) is the Word of God. It tells us about God and His ways. The Bible says that God loves all mankind. It also says that we have been separated from God. God is pure and holy but we are not clean. He cannot overlook even one sin. The Bible reveals the only way for our sins to be cleansed and to come back to God. We can learn more about God from the following words which are all from the Bible. (Signal)

Picture 3. CREATION

Picture 3. CREATION

Genesis 1:1-25

SE: souds of animals, birds
God made everything good by His Word. He formed the land and the mountains, the sea and the rivers. ***SE - Animal sounds, birds singing*** Then He created all living things, the fish swimming in the water, birds flying in the air and all the animals. God was pleased with everything He had made, for it was all good. (Add echo here or reverberation) (Signal).

Picture 4. ADAM AND EVE

Picture 4. ADAM AND EVE

Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7 - 3:24

Then God made the first man and the first woman. He called them Adam and Eve. He made a beautiful garden for them to live in and placed them there. (Note to the translator: The garden was not a little place, but rather a large place.) He gave them authority (control) over all He had made. Because He loved them, God had a close relationship with them and they often talked together. God gave them permission to eat any of the fruit except the fruit from one tree. He warned them that if they ate the fruit from this tree, they would surely die. This meant not only physical death, but also separation from God forever. God's enemy, Satan, tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit God had forbidden them.
They disobeyed what God had said and did what they wanted. This was the beginning of sin for mankind. Like a disease it has infected every person who has ever lived since then. God loved Adam and Eve but because He is holy and just He could not overlook their disobedience to Him, but needed to punish sin. Because of their sin God sent Adam and Eve away from the garden. They were separated from God. Now they had to work hard for their daily food and shelter. Since then all people have experienced sickness, pain and death. However God promised that one day He would send a great Savior who would completely break the dark chain that Satan had put around man's neck and set them free. (Signal)

Picture 5. CAIN AND ABEL

Picture 5. CAIN AND ABEL

Genesis 4:1-16; Romans 3:23

Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Both Cain and Abel were born outside the garden and were sinners because of their father, Adam. They were separated from God and could not escape the judgment of God on sin unless God Himself did something to save them. God instructed man that if he wished to approach God, he must take a lamb and kill it. They had to come to God in a way which God had instructed them. The blood of the animal could not permanently pay for sin. But if a pure sheep were sacrificed in the place of the sinner, then God would accept the sheep's blood in the place of man. The blood reminded sinners that they were worthy of death but that God could save them. Cain refused to come God's way. He tried to offer to God things from the ground that he had grown with his own hands. God did not accept Cain's offering. Abel offered a lamb just as God required. He was trusting in God's mercy, so God accepted Him. Cain was jealous of Abel and one day decided to take revenge. "You think you're better than I am huh? I'll show you, ****SE - (sound of Cain striking Abel. Abel says,-) "O Cain...why?" (Cain says,-) O, I've killed my brother. What will I do now?" God did not overlook Cain's sin but punished him for his sin. The ground would no longer produce good produce for him. He was to be a wanderer on the earth for the rest of his life. Don't be like Cain and think that you can come to God in your own way. Let's do only according to what God shows us. (Signal)

Picture 6. NOAH'S ARK

Picture 6. NOAH'S ARK

Genesis 6:1-22; 2 Peter 3:9, 2:5

As time passed there were many descendants of Adam. These people also sinned and disobeyed God. The sin of the people became so great that God decided to destroy them by a great flood. There was only one man who loved and obeyed God. His name was Noah, the prophet. God told Noah to build a big ship. ***SE - sounds of building*** God was going to save Noah and his family in this ship. The other people didn't want to turn away from their evil ways because they didn't honor God. (Signal)

Picture 7. THE FLOOD

Picture 7. THE FLOOD

Genesis 7:1-24

God told Noah to take two of every kind of animal and birds into the boat. Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives all entered the boat. God himself locked the boat's door. ***SE - Door of boat closing with reverb, to give it a "final" sound. Sound of winds rising, rain beginning to pour*** God sent heavy rain from the heavens and let loose the waters from below which together covered the earth with water. At that time it was too late for any one to be saved. Because Noah and his family were inside the boat, they were saved. But all of those outside the boat drowned in the water. Because Noah and his family believed in God and obeyed him, they were saved. (Signal)



Many generations (years) passed and the descendants of Noah became many tribes. Abraham, one of Noah's descendants, was also a man who loved and obeyed God. God promised Abraham that he would make his descendants a great people. Abraham and his wife Sarah had no children. But he believed in God's promise. When they were very old, they had a son and named him Isaac. Abraham and Isaac were the forefathers of Jesus, the Messiah who came to save man from his sin. (Signal)



Abraham's descendants became a great people, and were called Israel. Moses, the prophet was a descendant of Abraham. He believed in God and obeyed Him. One day God took Moses up to the mountain and gave him His laws to tell the people. Moses took the rocks on which God's laws were written. God asks us also to follow these laws. (Signal)



Listen to some of the commandments that God gave to His people, Israel, through Moses. God said, "You shall have no other gods except Me." We should worship only the one true Creator God. People have broken God's commandment over and over again as they have worshipped idols. Maybe you've never worshipped an idol, but do you realize what God is really saying in this commandment? Only the one God is worthy of devoting our life to and obeying. If we don't give God first place in our lives, we have broken this command. What we give our lives to is what we worship. Are you truly living for God or wealth, or the world, fame/status, or a comfortable life? If God is not first place in your life, you have broken this commandment. Do not men worship and live for money, finding wealth, status, prostitutes, or power and other things. In that case we have completely broken God's laws.

God said that people should take one day a week to stop their work and rest, because God created the world in six days and on the seventh day He completed His work, was satisfied and enjoyed it.
God said that people must honor their parents. Have you ever argued/fought with your parents, or insulted them?" If so you have broken God's law.
God said, "You must not murder." God has also said if a person hates someone, he's committed murder in his heart.
God said, "You must not take another man's wife." He said that if we look at another person's husband or wife, and want to have any kind of sexual relationship with that person, we've already broken His commandment.
God said, "You must not steal or even want to steal another person's goods."
These are only a few of God's laws. God said that breaking any of these laws even once is sin. And God's punishment for sin is eternal death. This means not only physical death, but spiritual separation from God and burning in hell forever.



These commandments that God gave were meant to show us that all of us have sinned. We are all far from God and under His judgement. According to God's law we are completely separated from Him. In the past God instructed man that if he wished to approach God, he must take a lamb and kill it. People had to come to God in the way God had instructed them, only through sacrifice. The blood of the animal reminded the offerers that they deserved to die and that only God could save them. The original purpose of the sacrifice in those times was to be a sign that in the future God would send a Savior who would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. (Signal)



Now let's listen to how Jesus, the Messiah came to live on the earth. In the Old Testament God promised to send to the world a Savior to save people from their sin and its penalty, hell. God foretold this through the prophets. From heaven an angel came to a girl named Mary. Mary was a virgin engaged to a man named Joseph. ***Voice of angel.*** The angel said to Mary, "Do not be afraid Mary, for you have favor with God. By a miracle of God and through the Holy Spirit, you will become pregnant. Give the child the name, Jesus." An angel also appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel said, "Joseph, don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child in her womb is from God's spirit. You will call the baby, Jesus, meaning 'Savior' because he will save his people from their sins." Joseph obeyed God. Until the child was born Joseph did not lie with Mary.



Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to register for the king's census. When they got there none of the hotels had any space. So they were forced to stay in someone's stable. ***SE - sound of stable animals, then a baby's cry*** So Jesus, Mary's first son was born at this place. That night an angel appeared to some shepherds who were watching their sheep in the field nearby. ***Angels' voice with reverb behind and/or sound of choir*** "I bring you good news of great joy for all people. Today, in Bethlehem (the city of David), a Savior has been born Who is Christ the Lord. *** choir sound builds and climaxes behind this. *** Suddenly there was with the angel many other angels praising God. When the angels had gone away into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ***Shepherds' voices*** "Let's go now to Bethlehem and see this thing the Lord has told us about."



When Jesus was 12 years old, he talked about God with the elders of Israel. These men were surprised at Jesus' great knowledge of God. When Jesus was 30 yrs. old, he began teaching people about God. Some people believed his teaching and followed him. Other people did not believe and opposed him. Because Jesus spoke God's word, we should listen to him and obey him.



Jesus had great power from God to perform miracles. By only touching a man born blind from birth, Jesus made him see. ***"I can see! I can SEE!" (man's voice)*** And then he resurrected a dead child with the parents watching. ***"Then He touched her. Her eyes opened!" (mother's voice) "She's alive, with us again!" (father's voice)*** In front of His disciples He walked on water without sinking. To prove that He is the true Savior, Jesus did many other miracles also besides these. Jesus will also help us now with His power.



Because Jesus did many miracles, many people followed Him. Because Jesus is merciful, He healed people and taught them about God. We sinners were destined for destruction. Jesus came to save us from sin and hell. But when He revealed to people that they were sinners, some people didn't like it. The Jewish religious teachers were jealous and hated Jesus. They didn't believe that He was the Savior God had sent. In the end they arrested Him and handed him over (accused him) and had him beaten by the Roman soldiers. The soldiers put a crown of thorns on his head. And with unmerciful hatred they spit on him and made fun of him. ***"Hail, King!" "Prophesy, who hit you that time?" "Ha, ha, ha." (different men's voices)*** In the place of opposition Jesus showed perseverance. He knew beforehand that these things would happen. He allowed these bad, evil people to hurt him and even kill him. Jesus took upon himself the punishment for man's sin that man deserved and by offering himself as a sacrifice to God, took it (punishment) away.



After the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross (wood), they stood the cross up and Jesus hung there until he died. ***SE - sound of hammering the nails into cross, Jesus groaning*** There were also two criminals who were nailed to crosses beside him. In that time they killed criminals by this vicious method. But Jesus hadn't done even one thing wrong. He gave himself for people's sin. We should die because we are sinners, but Jesus himself took our punishment. No matter how hard we try to do good works we cannot save ourselves from the punishment of sin. we could never free ourselves from the punishment of sin. Because Jesus was sinless, God received His sacrifice.



The enemies of Jesus thought they had gotten rid of him. But it wasn't as they thought. After Jesus was nailed and died, his friends took his body and buried him in a tomb (in a cave). They put a big rock on the front of the cave, closing it. Two days passed and on the third day Jesus rose. When some women came to the cave, they saw that the rock was rolled away and discovered that Jesus was not there. Two angels told them of Jesus' resurrection. ***"Why do you look for the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen."*** Jesus is alive now. He has defeated death and Satan.



After Jesus rose many of his disciples saw him. They talked with him face to face and even ate with him. Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, did not believe he had risen because he had not seen it with his own eyes. He said, ***"Until I touch and see the wounds from the nails, I won't believe"...*** Later, when Jesus came and showed Thomas his wounds, Thomas completely believed. (He fell before Jesus and said, ***"My Lord and my God."***) Then Jesus said, ***"You have seen me and believe; blessed are those who have believed even though they haven't seen me."***



After Jesus rose he was seen by many people over a period of 40 days. Many people saw that he was alive. He again did miracles, finished what he was to do on earth and when it was time for him to return to his father's side, he said to his disciples, ***"Tell the whole world the good news that I died and rose for the forgiveness of the sins of the world and that whoever believes in me will be forgiven."*** The disciples saw Jesus ascending to heaven. Two angels appeared and said to the disciples,*** "Jesus will return in the same way that he is going now."*** Until that time comes, Jesus is in heaven by God's side. He is preparing a place for all those who believe and follow him. What do you think? Will you believe and follow him? Jesus will return to earth at the end of time to judge men for their sins. Are you prepared?



Why did Jesus die for us? Because God is righteous every sin must be punished. Jesus died to save sinners from this punishment and to reconcile us to God. Jesus never sinned, but suffered and died in our place so that the sin that separates us from God would be taken away. Jesus is the Lamb of God sacrificed for us. If we believe in Jesus, our sins will be cleansed away by his blood. At that time we will be clean, at peace with God and can draw near to him. What does it mean to follow Jesus? I hope you will listen carefully to the following words.

Picture 22. THE TWO ROADS

Picture 22. THE TWO ROADS

Jesus talked about two roads. Many people are walking on sin's wide road that leads to hell. We all have Adam's sinful nature. Jesus said we must walk on the narrow road that leads to God and heaven. Whoever believes in Jesus and follows him has eternal life. This person has turned away from the wide road that leads to hell and has entered and is on the narrow road that leads to heaven. Those on the narrow road will not be punished. If you have decided you want to put your faith in Jesus, you can ask God, "God, I'm a sinner. I repent before you. I believe that Jesus died for my sin and the third day he rose. With all my heart I ask you to forgive me. And I want to give you control of my life. Praise you God. Amen."

Picture 23. GOD'S CHILDREN

Picture 23. GOD'S CHILDREN

Those who have come to Jesus from every nationality will be received with joy. Through believing in Jesus they are God's spiritual children. God's children are all connected to Jesus and are like one family. Jesus said to his disciples, "By your love for one another people will know that you are my disciples."

Picture 24. BORN AGAIN

Picture 24. BORN AGAIN

One night Nicodemus, a teacher of religion, came to Jesus to learn more about God. "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher sent from God, for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." Jesus said to him, "Unless you are born again spiritually you cannot enter the kingdom of God." We have no power to change ourselves. If we trust in Jesus, God's Spirit will give us new life and as a result we will become a new person and one of God's people. (Use night sounds SE.)



Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised that he would send God's holy Spirit. Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, just as he had promised, all of his disciples who had gathered were suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit. At that time they began to praise God with languages that they didn't know. They did this through the power of the Holy Spirit. They were given power to tell others about God's great deeds. God's Spirit is in true believers and gives them power to love and obey Jesus.



Before people come to Jesus they are like a person walking in darkness because there is no light to shine on the road. If we believe in Jesus we are like a person walking on a straight road in the light. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness." God gives his own Holy Spirit to those who trust in Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives believers encouragement and leads them in the way of righteousness.

Picture 27. A NEW PERSON

Picture 27. A NEW PERSON

Those who believe in Jesus obey God because they love him. They thank God because he has forgiven their sins. True believers should not commit adultery, fight, steal, (get drunk), worship idols, statues, pictures or call upon spirits or spirits of ancestors. Through the Holy Spirit God gives believers power to turn from wrong and to do good. If the believer does sin, he feels sorry and asks for God's forgiveness. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses him from sin.



How should a family be who is following God's commands? The husband loves his wife and the wife honors her husband. They not only help and encourage one another. They teach their children to love and obey God. The family of believers have a spiritual relationship and should serve God together. When others see their love for each other, they will praise God.



Jesus said to his disciples, "Do not only love your friends, but love your enemies also." We should not only help our own people in need, but we should also help people if they're from another nationality. Jesus told a story about a man going to another city. While he was travelling, robbers beat him and left him lying on the road. A man from another nationality came across this stranger lying wounded on the road. Because the wounded man needed help, the man from a different nationality helped him freely; bound up his wounds, put him on his donkey and took him to a local hotel where he paid the money for him to stay. Jesus said we should be loving to others like this man was.



Believers in Jesus have no need of talismans, or things to protect from the evil eye in order to protect from evil spirits, because Jesus protects them by his own power. According to God's word we should depend on nothing but God himself. We need to get rid of these superstitious religious things and be free of them. Believers need to repent of (or leave) all evil things that belong to Satan or evil spirits. Jesus is more powerful than Satan, evil spirits, idols or talismans; therefore, we need not be afraid of Satan. We should only ask for God's help and protection.



There was a man filled with many evil spirits. The evil spirits were so strong that although he was tied with ropes and chains he would break them. Jesus commanded the evil spirits to leave this man, "Be gone from this man!...Ahhhhhhh!" With Jesus' command all of the evil spirits immediately left him. After he was free of the evil spirits, he came to his senses and told all of his friends about Jesus' power. Jesus is much more powerful than evil spirits. Satan and all evil spirits must obey Jesus. If you are filled with evil spirits or they are bothering you, or they are giving you bad dreams, tell believers in Jesus this situation. They will pray to the almighty God to give you protection. When a believer in Jesus is alone and he senses evil spirits, he can chase away evil spirits with the name of Jesus. For example you can say, "I command you in Jesus' name. Be gone from me evil spirits." Jesus said to those who believe in him, "I will always be with you." He protects us by his own power. Therefore Satan can not harm us.

Picture 32. TEMPTATION

Picture 32. TEMPTATION

Satan tries to tempt us to not follow Jesus. He tempts us to love money, be involved with drugs and alcohol, adultery, jealousy, pride, theft, hatred and other immoral things in order to seperate us from God. Satan tries to mess us up by getting us interested in these bad things because he is a cheater and a destroyer. Believers in Jesus can stand against Satan in every situation.

Picture 33. IF WE SIN

Picture 33. IF WE SIN

Before his father died a young man asked his father for his inheritance. He sold all that his father gave him, went to a distant country, and wasted all his possessions on wild living. After his money was finished, a severe famine came. He became very hungry and no one gave him anything to eat. He thought to himself, 'My father's servants have more than enough to eat - shall I die here, hungry? I'll return to my father's house. I'll say to him, "Father, I've sinned against God and against you. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants." So he returned home. When he was still a long way off his father saw him, felt compassion for him and ran to meet him. He joyfully hugged his son. "Father I have sinned against God and against you. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son." But the Father said to his servants, "Bring out the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. Bring the fatted calf here and kill it. Let us eat and be merry! For my son was dead and is alive again! He was lost and is found!" After this they all began to feast and celebrate.
God loves us much more than this father loved his son. He has shown this to us by providing a way through the blood of Jesus for us to be forgiven of our sins and to return to him.

Picture 34. SICKNESS

Picture 34. SICKNESS

If believers becomes sick, what do they do? They ask God to heal them and believe that he is merciful. God loves us and so he is concerned for us and wants the best for us. He is always protecting us from bad things and in every situation gives us his peace. When followers of Jesus pray according to God's will, God answers their prayer.

Picture 35. DEATH

Picture 35. DEATH

We will all die one day. But after that what awaits us? It is written in the Bible that if a believer in Jesus dies, his spirit goes to be with God in heaven. Therefore followers of Jesus should not despair in sadness. We should never be afraid of death because we know that we are not going to hell but to heaven. Those who don't believe in Jesus do not have this wonderful guarantee of hope. Unfortunately, because their sins are not cleansed by the sacrifice blood of Jesus, when they die, they will be punished in hell. After you die where do you want to be? Those who want to be with God believe in Jesus.



All the parts of our body have their own function; eyes were created for seeing, ears for hearing, mouth for speaking and eating. All the parts of our body work together. If one part of our body hurts or is wounded, our whole body suffers. God says that believers in Jesus are like many parts of one body. Jesus is the head of that body. God gives to every believer special abilities according to his will. For example: spiritual leadership, helping people, evangelism, singing songs of praise, teaching, farming, cooking or other gifts. In order for the body to be strong and healthy, the body must work together. All believers need to show each other love and work together. God is pleased when this happens.



All believers should gather together to worship God. There they study God's word. They praise him with songs. They pray for each other and give ten % of our income to God's work. To remember Jesus, God commanded us to have a special ceremony. In this ceremony believers remember Jesus and in unity break bread, eat it, and drink a mouthful of juice. The bread represents the body of Jesus that was sacrificed for us. The juice represents the blood of Jesus that was shed for us.



At the end of time Jesus will come back suddenly from heaven to judge men as he has promised. When he comes, the bodies of the dead who have believed in him will be raised. And then the believers who are still alive will be added to them and taken to heaven. From that time on Jesus' followers will be with him forever. The sad thing is that those who don't believe in Jesus will face punishment before God. We don't know when Jesus will return but we should always look for him and be prepared to welcome him. If Jesus came back today are you ready to welcome him? Think about this.



Just as a fruit tree produces fruit, believers need to produce spiritual fruit. Jesus said, "I am the true vine and you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit." God's holy spirit is in believers and gives them love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and discipline. These characteristics are called spiritual fruit. Followers of Jesus bring glory to our heavenly father by producing much spiritual fruit.

Picture 40. WITNESSING

Picture 40. WITNESSING

Jesus commanded his followers to tell the whole world the good news about the way to be saved from sin and Hell. Let's obey Jesus and tell others about this good news. God's spirit will give us strength to tell others about Jesus. If you tell others about these things you have heard here, you will please God.
May God be with those of you who have listened to this tape with attention. May He enlighten your minds and give you salvation and blessing. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
We praise you, great God.


Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

"Good News" audio-visual - This audio visual set has 40 pictures to present an overview of the Bible from Creation to Christ. It covers the salvation message and basic teaching on the Christian life. It is available in more than 1300 languages.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 1: Sharing the Gospel made easy - This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways the GRN audio visual resources can be used in ministry.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 2: Going Deeper - This article gives further explanation of how people learn from the stories, and why the stories do not have a lot of commentary.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

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Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach