Tell Me About Jesus

概要: Dialogue between father and son. Covers creation, fall, redemption, future abode. Can be used as a children's record, or a dialogue between adults. Scripture can be easily paraphrased.
スクリプト番号: 126
言語: English
テーマ: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Major event (Death); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Character of God (Love of God); Living as a Christian (Witnessing, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Bible timeline (Creation)
観客: General; Children; New Christian
目的: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Paraphrase Scripture
状態: Approved

1. Father, tell me that story that begins, "In the beginning God made all things. He made the world, the stars...".
2. He made the sun, the moon. He made the trees, the birds, the animals. Afterwards, He made the first man and the first woman.
1. And they were altogether good. They loved to obey and please God.
2. Yes. But one day Satan, the chief of the evil spirits (the evil one), tempted (told) them to disobey God. They listened to Satan, and obeyed his words. When they did this, they turned away from God. They disobeyed God's good commandments.
1. Oh, and then they were no longer good as before.
2. It is true. And afterwards, all people born on earth have followed paths of sin (have in the same way walked in crooked ways).
1. Did not God leave them, after they chose to go their own ways?
2. No, son, the Book of God tells us that God did not leave them. His sadness for them was great, because He knew that all who walked the WAYS of badness would end up in the PLACE of everlasting torment when they died. And God did not want any of them to have to suffer like this.
1. And so what did God do then?
2. You know the story, my son, and the words which say, "For God so loved the world."
1. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
2. The Son of God came down into the world to live among the people. (He did not live as a king, or even as a rich man. But He was poor, and He felt the sorrows that all people have.) Yet He had no sin. Finally He permitted His enemies to nail Him to a cross, where He died. He did this as the payment for our sins. So whoever believes on Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
1. What is everlasting life?
2. Well, you know Son, that three days after He died, Jesus came back from the dead. He arose. At that time He showed us that death is like a doorway. For those who have received Jesus, this doorway opens into life in heaven where Jesus is. Because the one who has Jesus as his Saviour has everlasting life in his heart.
1. What about those who do not trust in Jesus?
2. For them, the door opens into everlasting punishment. God says, "He that believes not Jesus, the Son of God, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." For this reason we must tell everyone about Jesus, so they can believe on Him.
John 3:16; John 3:36.