Paul and Apollos

Paul and Apollos

概要: Acts 18:1-28

スクリプト番号: 1384

言語: English

観客: General

ジャンル: Bible Stories & Teac

目的: Evangelism; Teaching

聖書の引用: Paraphrase

状態: Approved



Title ideas:Paul and his friends [partners] travelled many people to tell people about Jesus.Paul taught people who taught other people true words [things] about Jesus.Paul and other teachers spread the word [teaching] about Jesus to many places.

After the apostle Paul spoke about Jesus in Athens city, [in Greece], he went to Corinth city. He waited [was waiting] there for his partners [Silas and Timothy] to come.

There he met a man named Aquila and his wife named Priscilla. They were from Paul’s [Jewish] tribe. They made tents, and Paul used to make tents.

So, Paul lodged [stayed] in their house and worked with them [making tents]. Every week, Paul would go to a local synagogue and talk with men about Jesus.

After some weeks, Paul’s partners [Silas and Timothy] came to Corinth. Then Paul went every day to talk with Jewish men, saying, “Jesus is the Messiah [the King].”

When the Jewish men would no longer listen to Paul, he said to them, “I have told you the truth about Jesus! If you reject [do not believe in] him, then God will judge you! I shall now go to talk with people from other [Gentile] tribes!”

So, Paul stopped going to the synagogue, and he started going to a house belonging to a Gentile man. [Even so,] The Jews’ synagogue chief put his trust in Jesus along with his entire family [household].

When many other people in Corinth heard Paul tell the good news about Jesus, they believed it and were baptized [to show that they had put their trust in Jesus and started a new life].

One night, Paul saw Jesus in a dream [vision]. Jesus said to him, “Do not fear people. Keep on talking about me, for [because] I am with you [to protect you]! No one will harm you in this city, and there are many people here who will put their trust in me!”

So Paul stayed 18 months [a year and a half or 18 moons], telling people messages about God.

One day, some angry Jews seized Paul and led him to the [regional] governor. The Jews accused Paul, saying, “This man persuades [tells] people to worship God in ways that our [Jewish] law does not teach about!”

Before Paul could reply, the governor said to the Jews, “You have not accused this man of a crime against government law, so I will not listen to you!

“You are talking about your own Jewish [religious] law! I will not decide [judge] religious [Jewish] issues [questions]! So, leave [go away] now!”

After many days teaching the Christians in Corinth, Paul said to them, “The Lord Jesus wants me to go tell about him in other places!”

Then Paul and his friends Priscilla and Aquila entered [got on] a ship which carried them across a sea.

Their ship came to a city called Ephesus. Paul went one time to the local synagogue. The Jews asked him to stay longer in Ephesus, but he said to them, “I must go to Jerusalem, but I will return to you if God wills [allows me to do so]!”

Priscilla and Aquila stayed in Ephesus, while Paul entered another ship that carried him [across a sea] to Jerusalem.

After staying a while with Christians in Jerusalem, Paul entered another ship that carried him [across a sea] to Antioch city. He stayed there with Christians for several months.

Next, Paul travelled [went] to many other towns [villages] where he spoke with Christians, encouraging [urging / telling] them to remain faithful to Jesus.

During those days, a man named Apollos came to Ephesus. He knew God’s holy book [Bible] very well, and he was an eloquent speaker [he spoke the language very well].

Apollos knew about Jesus, and he told people the words [things] that Jesus used to teach. But he had not heard about being baptized to show faith in Jesus.

When Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos speak at the synagogue, they invited him [Apollos] to come to their home. There they explained to him about Jesus more accurately.

When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia Province, the Christians in Ephesus agreed with him. So, they wrote a letter to the Christians in Achaia, saying, “Please, welcome Apollos!”

In Achaia, Apollos helped the Christians. When Jews’ who did not believe in Jesus spoke against him, Apollos was able to explain from the Jews’ holy book [the Old Testament] that Jesus is the Messiah.

In this way the Christians did as Paul told them to do: Teach what is true about Jesus to people who are faithful [trustworthy] so they will also teach other people what is true about Jesus. Endure [persevere through] suffering like a soldier under the commander [leadership of] of Jesus Christ.


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