Ananias and Sapphira

概要: Acts 4:18-5:11
スクリプト番号: 1375
言語: English
観客: General
目的: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
状態: Approved

Title ideas: A [married] couple lied to God.Lying leads to death.God knows everything.

Jewish religious chiefs [leaders] ordered Peter and John, “Stop talking to people about that man [Jesus]!” But the Christians obeyed Jesus and continued to talk about him.

All the Christians agreed to care for one another. They shared their money and food, so that everyone had enough food to eat and clothes to wear.

Some Christians, who owned more than one house or land, would sell some for money, then bring the money to the apostles, who shared it with others who did not have enough.

There was one [such] Christian, named Barnabas, who sold some land for money. He brought [carried] that money to the apostles, to share with needy Christians.

There was another man, named Ananias, who sold some land for money. He kept some of the money for himself, and brought the rest to the apostles. He and his wife pretended [lied] by saying that he brought all of the money to the apostles.

But Peter said to Ananias, “Satan has tricked you to lie to God’s Spirit after you kept some of the money for yourself!”

“That was your land. After you sold the land, the money was yours. You did not have to give away your money. But you lied to God, when you said that you gave all of the money to help poor Christians!”

When Peter said these words, Ananias fell to the floor, dead. Some men wrapped his body in a cloth and carried it away. Everyone who heard about this became afraid [to lie to God].

Three hours later, Ananias’ wife [named Sapphira] came to that place. She had not heard about what had happened to Ananias.

Peter asked her, “Is this the whole price [money] that you received when you sold your land?” She replied, “Yes, that is the [whole/entire] price.”

Peter asked her, “Why did you agree together to lie to the Lord’s Spirit? The men who carried away your husband to bury him, they will now carry you away to bury you.”

When Peter said these words, she fell to the floor, dead. Some men wrapped her body in a cloth and carried it away. Everyone who heard about this became afraid [to lie to God].