Jesus teaches

概要: Matt.4:25-7:29; Lk 6:20-31
スクリプト番号: 1348
言語: English
観客: General
目的: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
状態: Approved

Title ideas: Jesus teaches the people. Jesus taught his people God’s thinking that they should learn to think.

One day, Jesus went with his disciples up a hill where he was teaching them. Many other people, who came to be healed by Jesus, listened to him teach.

Jesus taught them this: “Although you have no spiritual strength in you, God invites you into his kingdom!

“Whenever you mourn [feel sad], God wants to comfort you!

“Although you have hardly any power now, one day God will give you the whole earth [everything]!“If you try to live right during your lifetime, then God will help you to do so!

“Whenever you show mercy [goodness] to others, God will show mercy to you!“If you live to please God, then God will one day let you see him!“If you dwell peacefully with others, then God will one day say that you are his children!

“When you live right and others speak against you, remain joyful. Because one day, God will give you a reward [big payment / benefit] in heaven.

“God said long ago not to commit murder [kill someone]. Today, I tell you not even to get angry with others, nor to insult them, lest God [so God will not] punish you.

“God’s law allows you to harm someone [a person] in the same way that person harmed you. Today [now], I tell you not to take revenge on others. If someone slaps [strikes] you on one cheek, then turn your face and let him slap [strike] the other cheek, too.

“God’s law says we must love our own community [tribe], and our tradition says we should hate our enemies [other tribes]. But I say that we must love our enemies, too. When we help someone who has harmed us, we show them that we are God’s children. And you know that God is good to everyone.

“When some people give money to help others, they do so while others are watching them give. If you seek honour from others, then God will not honour you. So, when you give to help others, do so secretly [quietly]. Then God will see you and will honour you.

Do not desire to accumulate for yourselves a lot of money or things. Here on earth, moths [insects] and rust destroy those things, and thieves steal those things [your money].

Instead, continually do actions that will please God. In that way, you will be storing valuables for yourselves in heaven.

Also keep asking God for what you need, and he will give it to you. Continually expect God to provide things you need and he will give them.

You should do good to others in the same way you want others to do good to you. If you do and think in this way, then you will have learned all that God has taught us.”

The people were amazed at what Jesus was teaching them, because He did not teach by only telling what other men had said. Rather, Jesus taught by his own authority [God speaking through him].