Job was faithful to God even while he suffered

Job was faithful to God even while he suffered

概要: Job 1-42

スクリプト番号: 1265

言語: English

観客: General

ジャンル: Bible Stories & Teac

目的: Evangelism; Teaching

聖書の引用: Paraphrase

状態: Approved



Title ideas: Job remained faithful to God when he suffered without knowing / understanding why.Job’s Suffering [pain].Why do good people suffer?

This story [taken from the Bible] is about a good man named Job. He lived a long time ago. Job worshipped God and he habitually desired to do good to everyone and he refused to do wrong to anyone.

Job had seven sons and three daughters.He was very rich [wealthy].

Job also had many servants who cared for his fields [gardens] and his herds – flocks.

All Job’s neighbors honored him, even those in far villages.

One day, spirits [angels] came to stand before God in the sky. Among them was Satan [the bad spirit who accuses people and speaks lies about them.] God asked him “Where have you been traveling?”

[Then] the one who slanders said, “Oh, I go around in all the paths of people.”

God said to Satan, “Did you observe my follower Job? Did you recognize that he strongly holds to worshipping only me? He does what is right and good more than all other people.”

Satan said, “Yes, I have observed Job. You are protecting him! You have made him a wealthy man with many children. That is why he worships you strongly. If you let me destroy all his things, he will stop worshiping you and he will even hate [curse] you.”

God said, “All right, Satan, I will allow you to go and test Job. You can do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but do not harm his body.”

Then the accuser left [God’s presence]. He went to destroy Job’s wealth and family.

Thus [Then], a little later, there where Job was living [dwelling], a messenger arrived. He said to Job, “O Sir! Enemies! They destroyed all the animals and people working in your gardens! Oh! Oh!”

Then immediately, another messenger arrived and said to Job, “Fire! Fire fell from the sky! It burned up all your herders and your sheep [small animals], except me! I came to tell you! Oh! Oh!”

Then immediately, another messenger arrived and said to Job, “Raiders! They stole all your camels (the rest of your animals)! They killed all your workmen except me! Oh! Oh!”

Then oh! at that moment, another runner arrived and said to Job, “Oh! Sir! Your sons and daughters! They were all together in their big house when suddenly a strong wind blew on the house! It all fell down! It killed them all! Oh! Oh!”

When Job heard all this, he was so sad that he began to grieve [cry/weep]. He shaved his head and tore his clothes.

Nevertheless [Even with doing that], Job kneeled on the ground and worshipped God.

Job said, “I had nothing when my mother birthed me! I will also die without anything in my hand! God, gave me all my children and all those things that I had! Now God has taken all from me! Even though that hurts me much, I still strongly worship God!”

Another time, [in that other place in the sky,] Satan came again to talk with God.

God asked him, “Do you recognize that my friend Job continues to worship me and trust me, even though you ruined him for no correct reason?”

That accuser Satan answered, “Yes, I have seen Job, but all people want to be strong and healthy. If you let me make his body very sick, then that man certainly will stop worshiping you and he will even hate you.”

God answered, “OK [I agree], You may do to him as you like [he is in your power], but do not kill him.»

Then Satan left God’s presence.

Then Satan caused painful sores on all parts of Job’s body. Job lay on the ground. Oh oh oh! So much pain! Even though Job suffered much, he still loved [trusted in] God.

Then Job’s wife came and said to him, “You are foolish! Are you still loving [trusting] God? You should refuse him and hate him! Perhaps then you could die and be finished with your suffering!”

Job answered his wife, «You are talking like a foolish woman! We are happy to get good things from God! Then also we should accept the painful things from Him!»

In all of his sufferings, Job did not speak against God. Even though he suffered very much, he did not say angry words about God.

Three of Job’s friends heard about his suffering. They traveled from their homes to sit with him and comfort him. When they saw Job they hardly recognized him.

They sat near Job and could see how he was suffering very severely. They cried [grieved] with him for seven days.

Then Job said, “I wish that I was never born! Ooooh! Ooooh!

“Why didn’t I die at my birth? Ooooh! If I had died, I would have peace. Ooooh! Now I have no peace, no rest. Ooooh! I only have trouble. Ooooh!”

One friend responded, “Job, listen to me. God blesses people who do the right actions, but God punishes those who do wrong actions! He puts pain on people when they do wrong actions. As to this pain! God is punishing you! If I were you, I would ask him to be merciful to me! Tell him the wrong you did [have done].”

Job said, “No, I am thinking this: I know that I have not rejected God’s words. I continue trusting him.

“But you, you are just speaking many words that mean nothing! You disappoint me! You blame me, by saying that I am suffering because of my own sin [You have not shown me how I have said anything wrong or unjust].”

Then another friend spoke. He said, “Job, stop saying you are doing only good. We know that God only hurts [punishes] only those people who have done bad things.”

Job said, “Maybe what you say is true, but I know that my pain is not because I did bad actions. God acts in ways we do not understand. He has his own reasons.”

Then another friend spoke, “Job, no one can understand God, but if you agree that you have done badly then God will make your life good again.”Job and his friends talked back and forth like this for a long time.

The first man [Eliphaz] spoke again, “Job, you are not as smart as you think you are. Our fathers taught us that God will kill all wicked people, even though we see some of them get wealthy. God will certainly make them worry and get sick, because they hate God.”

Job said to them, “You all are insulting to me. Your advice does not encourage me. God has stabbed me, yet I have never hurt anyone and my prayers are pure.”

Job prayed, “Oh, God! All my friends have insulted me! Why do you treat me in this way?" Then Job declared, “I know you, My Redeemer [Saviour/Advocate] will stand on the earth one day and say [declare] that I am innocent. Also, I know that you live. I know that you will rescue me [take care of me]! After I have died and my body is rotten, I am certain that I will live again and I will see you with my own eyes. Oh! I want this to happen soon.»

Job’s friends continued to accuse him of having sinned; but Job continued to say “My pain [suffering] is not due to my having acted badly [wrongly]!”

Then there was a whirlwind beside Job. He heard God speak to him. God said, “Job, Listen well now!”

“You were not there when I made this earth. You did not watch me when I caused the ocean [big waters] to stay in its place. You do not know where the people go when they die.

“It is I who rule over [govern] the sky and the earth. It is I who bring rain upon the earth to make plants grow. All I do on earth is good and wise. Therefore, you should not blame me for your pain.”

Job finally realized that he was merely one of God’s creatures and humbly said, “God, I am unworthy. I was talking about things I did not understand, things too big [deep/hidden] for me to know them. In the past my ears have heard of you, but now I understand you better.

“I am sorry for what I said. (I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance [sorrow].)”

God was angry with Job’s [three] friends and said to them, “You have not spoken the truth about me. Job did not suffer due to bad things he might have done. But Job will pray for you. And I will accept his prayer, and I will not punish you for the bad (foolish) things you said.”

After Job prayed for his friends, God healed Job and he helped him much.

God caused Job to own again many animals [sheep, camels, oxen and donkeys] – many, many more than he had before.

God also gave Job other children - seven sons and three very beautiful daughters. His children birthed children. Job saw four generations of grandchildren! [Those grandchildren birthed children. Those grandchildren birthed children also. Job saw them all.] Job lived a long, full [satisfying] life, 140 more years after his suffering. Then he died.


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