ザ・リビングクライスト - Kikuyu
120 枚の写真で、天地創造からキリストの再臨までの年代順の聖書教育シリーズ。イエスの性格と教えについての理解を深めます。
プログラム番号: 85295
プログラムの長さ: 2:49:34
言語名: Kikuyu

1. Music - 橋 ▪ 序論 ▪ 絵 1. Christ in the Beginning ▪ 絵 2. God Created all Things ▪ 絵 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve ▪ 絵 4. Adam and Eve Cast Out ▪ 絵 5. God's Promise to Abraham ▪ 絵 6. ゼカリヤ and the Angel ▪ 絵 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary ▪ 絵 8. The Angel and Joseph ▪ 絵 9. The Birth of Jesus ▪ 絵 10. The Shepherds and the Angels ▪ 絵 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus ▪ 絵 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus ▪ 絵 13. The Visit of the Wise Men ▪ 絵 14. The Boy Jesus at the Temple ▪ 絵 15. The メッセージ of ジョン the Baptist ▪ 絵 16. The Baptism of Jesus ▪ 絵 17. Jesus Tested by Satan ▪ 絵 18. The Marriage Feast at Cana ▪ 絵 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus ▪ 絵 20. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

2. Music - 橋 ▪ 絵 21. Jesus and the Official ▪ 絵 22. Jesus Calls the First Disciples ▪ 絵 23. The Great Catch of Fish ▪ 絵 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit ▪ 絵 25. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law ▪ 絵 26. Jesus Touches a Man with Leprosy ▪ 絵 27. Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man ▪ 絵 28. Jesus calls マシュー to Follow Him ▪ 絵 29. Jesus at マシュー's Feast ▪ 絵 30. Jesus Heals the Man at the Pool ▪ 絵 31. Disciples Pick Grain on the Sabbath ▪ 絵 32. Jesus Heals a Withered Hand ▪ 絵 33. Jesus Teaches the People ▪ 絵 34. Teaching about Light in the Darkness ▪ 絵 35. Teaching about Revenge ▪ 絵 36. Teaching about 게시판 ▪ 絵 37. The Two Ways of Life ▪ 絵 38. The House on the Rock ▪ 絵 39. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son ▪ 絵 40. ジョン the Baptist in Prison

3. Music - 橋 ▪ 序論 ▪ 絵 41. A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet ▪ 絵 42. The Parable of the Sower ▪ 絵 43. The Parable of the Seed ▪ 絵 44. The Parable of the Weeds ▪ 絵 45. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure ▪ 絵 46. Jesus Calms the Storm ▪ 絵 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons ▪ 絵 48. The Healing of a Woman in the Crowd ▪ 絵 49. A Dead Girl is Raised to Life ▪ 絵 50. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples ▪ 絵 51. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People ▪ 絵 52. Jesus Walks on the Water ▪ 絵 53. The Bread of Life ▪ 絵 54. The Faith of a Foreign Woman ▪ 絵 55. The Healing of a Deaf and Dumb Man ▪ 絵 56. Jesus Heals a Blind Man ▪ 絵 57. Peter's Confession of the Christ ▪ 絵 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ ▪ 絵 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon ▪ 絵 60. Peter Pays the Temple Tax

4. Music - Brige ▪ 絵 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom? ▪ 絵 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep ▪ 絵 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant ▪ 絵 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery ▪ 絵 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind ▪ 絵 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd ▪ 絵 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan ▪ 絵 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha ▪ 絵 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight ▪ 絵 70. Parable of the Rich Fool ▪ 絵 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return ▪ 絵 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman ▪ 絵 73. Parable of the Great Feast ▪ 絵 74. Parable of the Lost Coin ▪ 絵 75. Parable of 失われた息子 ▪ 絵 76. 失われた息子 Among the Pigs ▪ 絵 77. 失われた息子 Returns Home ▪ 絵 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar ▪ 絵 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death ▪ 絵 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers ▪ Music - 橋

5. Music - 橋 ▪ 序論 ▪ 絵 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow ▪ 絵 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector ▪ 絵 83. Jesus Blesses the Children ▪ 絵 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man ▪ 絵 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard ▪ 絵 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho ▪ 絵 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus ▪ 絵 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem ▪ 絵 89. Jesus Clears the Temple ▪ 絵 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants ▪ 絵 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar ▪ 絵 92. The Poor Widow's Offering ▪ 絵 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times ▪ 絵 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins ▪ 絵 95. Parable of the Talents ▪ 絵 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ 絵 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany ▪ 絵 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus ▪ 絵 99. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet ▪ 絵 100. Teaching at the Last Supper

6. Music - 橋 ▪ 絵 101. Teaching about the True Vine ▪ 絵 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane ▪ 絵 103. Jesus Arrested ▪ 絵 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest ▪ 絵 105. Peter Denies Jesus ▪ 絵 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate ▪ 絵 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified ▪ 絵 108. The Crucifixion ▪ 絵 109. The Burial of Jesus ▪ 絵 110. The Women at the Tomb ▪ 絵 111. Peter and ジョン at the Empty Tomb ▪ 絵 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene ▪ 絵 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus ▪ 絵 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples ▪ 絵 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas ▪ 絵 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee ▪ 絵 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples ▪ 絵 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven ▪ 絵 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven ▪ 絵 120. Jesus Will Return ▪ Ending
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