
Information about モザンビーク

Area (sq km):799,380
FIPS Country Code:MZ
ISO Country Code:MZ
GRN Office:

Map of モザンビーク

Map of モザンビーク

Languages and dialects spoken in モザンビーク

  • Other Language Options
    Recordings Available
    Language Names
    Indigenous languages

Found 32 language names

Chisena-Chichewa [Mozambique] [seh]

Chopi [Mozambique] - ISO Language [cce]

Chuwabo [Mozambique] - ISO Language [chw]

Enahara [Mozambique] [vmw]

Esaka [Mozambique] - ISO Language [xsq]

Exirima [Mozambique] - ISO Language [vmk]

Kimwani: Ibo [Mozambique] - ISO Language [wmw]

Koti [Mozambique] - ISO Language [eko]

Lolo [Mozambique] - ISO Language [llb]

Lolo [Mozambique] - ISO Language [llb]

Lomwe [Zambezia] - ISO Language [ngl]

Lomwe: Cishirima [Mozambique] [ngl]

Lomwe: Macua & Macua-Mehavani [Mozambique] [ngl]

Lomwe: Mehavani [Mozambique] [ngl]

Longa [Mozambique] [tso]

Makhuwa: Central [Nampula] - ISO Language [vmw]

Makhuwa-Meetto [Mozambique] - ISO Language [mgh]

Makhuwa-Moniga [Mozambique] - ISO Language [mhm]

Makonde [Mozambique] - ISO Language [kde]

Makwe [Mozambique] - ISO Language [ymk]

Nyungwe [Mozambique] - ISO Language [nyu]

Portuguese: Mozambique [por]

Ronga [Mozambique] - ISO Language [rng]

Sena [Mozambique] - ISO Language [seh]

Shona: Chishanga [Mozambique] [ndc]

Takwane [Zambezia] - ISO Language [tke]

Tewe [Manica] - ISO Language [twx]

Tonga [Mazambique] [Mozambique] - ISO Language [toh]

Xitshwa [Mozambique] - ISO Language [tsc]

Yao: Mozambique [yao]

Zulu [South Africa, KwaZulu/Natal] - ISO Language [zul]

Zulu [South Africa, KwaZulu/Natal] - ISO Language [zul]

People Groups in モザンビーク

Ajao ▪ Barwe ▪ Chopi ▪ Chwabo ▪ Deaf ▪ Dema ▪ French ▪ German ▪ Goanese ▪ Greek ▪ Gujarati ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Hindi ▪ Jew, Portuguese Speaking ▪ Kokola ▪ Korean ▪ Koti ▪ Kunda ▪ Lolo ▪ Lomwe ▪ Maindo ▪ Makhuwa ▪ Makhuwa-Marrevone ▪ Makhuwa-Moniga ▪ Makhuwa-Saka ▪ Makhuwa-Shirima ▪ Makonde ▪ Makua, Makhuwa-Meetto ▪ Makwe ▪ Manyawa ▪ Manyika ▪ Marenje ▪ Matengo ▪ Mwani ▪ Ndau, Shona ▪ Ndonde ▪ Ngoni ▪ Nsenga ▪ Nyanja ▪ Nyungwe ▪ Phimbi ▪ Portuguese ▪ Romanian ▪ Ronga ▪ Russian ▪ Sakaji, Nathembo ▪ Sena ▪ Senji ▪ Shona-Zezuru ▪ Swahili ▪ Swazi ▪ Takwane ▪ Tawara ▪ Tewe ▪ Tonga, Gitonga ▪ Tsonga ▪ Tswa ▪ Zulu

News about モザンビーク

Project Mozambique - Plus - August 2021 - The news & prayer letter of Chris and Cámica Hemborough

Mozambique Distribution Project - Help place players and flip chart sets in new villages, where people haven't heard the message of the Bible

Northern Mozambique: Too good not to share - Missionary Bible translators in Mozambique describe the positive response to the GRN picture books.

Mozambique: Teachers spread the Word - The Makhuwa people are considered to be one of south Africa's most unreached groups. They reside in Mozambique's north-eastern Zambezia province.